Fall Festival 2015 - page 23

Page 21
Corps is a non-profit organization of students from
Plymouth and surrounding communities andmembers are
dedicated to preserving the ancient arts of color guard, fif-
ing and drumming. The youths practice year-round and
average 40-50 live performances each year, including
parades, patriotic celebrations, and other civic events
throughoutMichigan andCanada.
At the close of the summer performance season, the
corps tours to historical landmarks and this year per-
formed in New York City and Washington, D.C. The
Plymouth Fife and Drum Cops performed at the Lincoln
Memorial and the World War II Memorial in Washington
D.C. lastmonth.
The Fife and Drum Corps is a self-supporting organiza-
tion and members hope the enticing aroma of freshly-
roasted almonds wafting from their booth on Main Street
next toKellogg Parkwill tempt Fall Festival patrons to sup-
port their organization by purchasing the treats. The group
does not receive funding from the school systemor the gov-
ernment and the roasted almond sales help subsidize oper-
ating costs and activities of the corps.
The organization not only provides a preeminent educa-
tion in music, members have the added benefit of learning
American history first-hand. Membership in the corps
helps transform teens into an elite performance group and
teaches leadership skills, a corps parent said.
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