Fall Festival 2015 - page 12

Page 10
Man’s best friend
Leader Dogs to make special appearance at Fall Festival
The Plymouth Lions Club members
have developed a sure-fire way to
attract people to their booth at the Fall
Festival each year.
They bring the Leader Dog pup-
pies. This year, they will have several
puppies in training to become leader
dogs, trainers and a few certified
Leader Dogs and their owners in the
booth at Main Street and Ann Arbor
Trail. While people can't resist the
appeal of the pups, the booth will also
bemannedwith several clubmembers
willing to answer questions about the
club and the several organizations
they support with their fundraising
The puppies and their trainers will
take to the stage in Kellogg Park at 1
p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, for a special
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