Fall Festival 2016 - page 25

Page 23
The Plymouth Fife and Drum
Corps is a non-profit organization of
students from Plymouth and sur-
rounding communities, and members
are dedicated to preserving the
ancient arts of color guard, fifing and
drumming. These dedicated students
practice year round and average 40 to
50 live performances each year,
including parades, patriotic celebra-
tions, and other civic events through-
At the close of the summer per-
formance season, the corps travels to
historic landmarks to perform. This
year, the young musicians performed
in New England at many sites impor-
tant in the American Revolutionary
War, such as Old Fort Niagara in New
York; Forts Trumbull and Griswold in
Connecticut; Old Sturbridge Village,
the Old North Bridge (where the first
shots in the American Revolutionary
War were fired), and historic
Buckman Tavern in Massachusetts.
They also performed at the Company
of Fifers and Drummers Museum in
Connecticut; Fort McClary in Maine
and the Bennington Battle Monument
in Vermont. The last stop on the tour
was Fort Ticonderoga in New York,
where the Corps joined other fifers
page 24
The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps perform at the Bennington Battle Monument
in Virginia.
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