Fall Festival 2016 - page 19

Page 17
Ride along
Church offers free parking, shuttle service
Praise Baptist Church will offer free parking at 45000 North
Territorial Road and a 5-minute shuttle ride to downtown
Plymouth during the Fall Festival in the newest church vehi-
A little 'divine intervention' will once again alleviate any
parking problems at thePlymouthFall Festival.
Praise Baptist Church will offer free parking at their
building, 45000NorthTerritorial Road, about a quartermile
west of Sheldon Road. From there, a new shuttle bus will
transport visitors to the new drop-off location, adjacent to
CityHall downtown.
The service will again be free, as it has been for the last
three years, according to James Hooper, chairperson of mis-
sions and outreachat the church.
“Every year our number of shuttle riders increases.
Even though therewere cooler temperatures and some rain
last year, we still had our best turnout for riders. We estimat-
ed over 400 folks utilized our service. Many of those fami-
lies from last year told us they rode the shuttle the year
before and liked the convenience of the quick ride and no
hassle,”Hooper said.
This is the 4th year that Praise Baptist has been provid-
ing this service fromthe church to theFall Festival. Hooper
said the church congregation provides the rides as a contri-
bution to the community.
“Several members of our church have told me they met
someone from the community who rode in one of our shut-
tles over the past three years and thanked them for our
church's willingness to serve the community. That is such
an encouragement to ourmembers,”Hooper said.
“What is especially pleasing for me personally is that
Praise Baptist has earned the trust and respect of Eric Joy
and the Fall Festival Board who are encouraging folks to
utilizePraise's free service,” he added.
The new route has changed this year will have shuttle
riders dropped off directly into the craft show on Main
“We will get you from our church to the festival in about
fiveminutes; faster than finding a parking spot indowntown
Plymouth,”Hooper said.
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