Page 20 - rotary2019proof
P. 20
Being an Inspiration…
Rotarians training
Ghana teachers
The Rotary Club of Plymouth
A.M.'s commitment to the village of
Guo, Ghana began in 2004 when we
agreed to build a Primary School in
the Upper West Region of Ghana.
Completed in 2015, this is the first
ever primary school facility for chil-
dren in the area. It serves over 200
When this building was complet-
ed, the village elders asked if we
would build an Upper Elementary
school, to replace the badly deterio-
rated existing structure. With a lot of
help from our friends in the Rotary
Clubs of Western Wayne County A.M. Rotarian Jeanne Knopf-DeRoche in our club's new Upper Elementary
(Canton, Livonia A.M., Livonia, School in Guo, Ghana. Pictured with Jeanne are the school principal,
Northville and Plymouth), this new two of the teachers and several students.
school was completed in late 2017.
In the past few years, club mem- the children repeat back what the Prompted by a grant request from
ber Jeanne Knopf-DeRoche has vis- teacher says or writes on the black- our Club, in 2018 our Rotary District
ited our “Rotary” schools several board. They also have very few Governor Paul Sincock agreed that
times. She has observed that the resources to work with in the class-
teaching style is one of rote learning: room. See GHANA, page 19