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AUTOTECH from page 16

         The   Career   and    Technical
       Education (CTE) programs are
       designed to prepare youth for a
       broad range of employment and
       training services and are offered
       under the guidance of certified
       teachers, counselors, and coopera-
       tive education teachers. Along with
       Automotive, other courses include
       Automation & Robotics, Electronics,
       Business    Administration   and
       Management, Computer Graphics &
       Science, Educational Foundations,
       Health, and many more.
         “CTE is one of the hidden gems          A.M. Rotarians and Future Auto Mechanics at the Auto Tech Lab
       at P-CEP because of the way it                      at Plymouth Canton Community Schools.
       engages students in both hands-on
       learning as well as career prep    perfect way to further the connec-  Mathematics. Most CTE programs
       opportunities,” said Nick Brandon,  tions between our club and the     have articulation agreements with
       Plymouth    Canton    Community    amazing work that goes on with our  local colleges and universities.
       Schools Executive Director of      students every day at The Park.”       For more information on the CTE
       Communications & Marketing and a      Many CTE programs at The Park    Program, please contact Montyne
       member of the Rotary Club of       meet the Michigan Merit Curriculum  Barbee, Assistant Principal for STEM
       Plymouth A.M. “Touring the program  requirements for Visual, Performing,  and CTE at 734-416-7539 or mon-
       with my fellow Rotarians was the   and Applied Arts, and/or Applied

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