Page 21 - rotary2019proof
P. 21

GHANA from page 18

       our Rotary schools in Ghana could
       be the focus of  the highly coveted
       Rotary District Vocational Training
       Team (VTT) grant. This grant carries
       a stipend of $30,000. It allows us to
       take master teachers to Ghana to
       provide extensive training and
       resources for the teachers in our
       schools and in several other schools
       in the Upper West Area.
         In May this year, Jeanne will lead
       the first VTT education team to Guo.
       Their mission is to train 1st, 2nd and
       3rd grade teachers in techniques      Teacher and students enjoying their new elementary School in Guo, Ghana.
       that will enhance student participa-
       tion in the classroom and thus     cational consultant for the Province  approaching education in Ghana,
       increase learning. Gabrielle Popp  of Ontario, and Linda Morrow, an    especially for very young children.”
       and Michelle Draper from the       education evaluator. Dr, Godfrey    “As part of the VTT grant, we will
       Southgate Schools and Tim Ryan     Bacheyie, a Windsor Rotarian and a  return to Guo in November in order
       from Windsor, are the master teach-  native of Upper West Ghana, will  to provide additional training, sup-
       ers who are the core of this team.  accompany the team.  Godfrey will  port and resources. Working with
       Several Rotarian volunteers from   provide logistics and support.      the Rotary Clubs of Accra and Upper
       Windsor also will be part of the     “We are working closely with the  West, Ghana and Windsor, Ontario,
       team. These include Sheila Mosley,  Ghana Ministry of Education”       we see these two weeks in May as
       a retired elementary school adminis-  remarked Rotarian Jeanne. “We are  just the beginning of a long-term,
       trator; Mary Jean Gallagher, an edu-  presenting a whole new way of    sustainable relationship.”

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