Page 18 - rotary2019proof
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Being Inspired by…a hands-on look at P-CEP Career and Technical classes

         If ‘learning‘ is best achieved by
       ‘doing,‘ then the Career & Technical
       Educational (CTE) Program at
       Plymouth-Canton Educational Park
       is hitting a homerun.
         The CTE Programs, which are
       located in all three high schools at
       The Park (Plymouth High School,
       Canton High School, and Salem
       High School) provide students
       instruction and experience in the
       real-world application of academic
       skills, industry-based skill standards,
       and interpersonal workplace skills
       and behaviors in order to become
       intern-ready for employment and/or
       post secondary education.
         This past winter, Rotary Club of
       Plymouth A.M. members toured the
       ‘crown jewel‘ of the CTE Program,                   A.M. Rotarians visiting the Auto Tech lab at
       which is the Auto Repair and Auto        Plymouth Canton Educational Park and learning from the students.
       Body shop program. Members got a   ence, but also for preparing them for  hand to walk Rotary members
       chance to meet and greet current   careers after graduation -- one of the  though the equipment, philoso-
       students, who shared how the pro-  many highlights of the CTE          phies, and curriculum of the Auto
       gram has had a positive effect on  Program. Teachers Gerald Lickey
       not only their high school experi-  and Mike Frantsen were also on              See AUTOTECH, page 17

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