Page 24 - rotary2019proof
P. 24

Being Inspired by…our Friends of the Rouge during River Cruise

         As our neighbor at the PARC
       (Plymouth Arts and Recreation
       Center), we like to support the
       “Friends of the Rouge” (aka Friends)
       in their mission to raise awareness
       about the need to clean up the River
       Rouge -- one of Southeast Michigan's
       greatest natural resources.
         In October, 2018, the Friends took
       members of the Rotary Club of
       Plymouth A.M. (and another 100 of
       their closest acquaintances) on a
       cruise down the Detroit River and up
       the River Rouge.  The primary pur-  Rotarians Phyllis Pulty-Bendrey, Erin Archambault and Jeanne Knopf-DeRoche
       pose of this annual event is to raise               enjoying a lovely cruise along the Rouge.
       funds for the organization.  More
       importantly, getting out on the River  the efforts towards controlling pollu-  ing them on this journey again in
       certainly raises awareness of “our”  tion and conservation efforts along  2019.
       river and its challenges.          the river.  While on board, we even   To learn more about The Friends,
          While we did not cover the full 24  experienced the delivery of mail from  visit  their  website   at
       nautical miles of the river, we tra-  the Wescott II - the only floating  You will learn
       versed enough to take in spectacular  United States Post Office.       much about the rescue, restoration,
       views of Detroit and Windsor.  Along  A.M. Rotarians were pleased to   education, and monitoring efforts
       the way, we were informed of many  partner with The Friends in their effort  these folks do so well.   We hope that
       facts about the area - history, econo-  to more fully appreciate the benefits  you, too, will be inspired to join them
       my, industry, wildlife, and of course,  of the river.   We look forward to join-  in their efforts to clean The Rouge.

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