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Next year will mark the 20th
anniversary of the Northville
Community Foundation a group dedi-
cated to making life better for resi-
The Northville Community
Foundation was founded on July 2,
1997, as the Northville community was
growing and was in need of a vehicle
to begin endowing funds for altruistic
efforts in the years to come.
The first task of the foundation was
in response to a request by the
Northville Township Board of
Trustees to host their Centennial Year
in 1998. The Centennial Year celebra-
tions included Opening Ceremonies,
the publication of a history book,
Northville Township…From the
Beginning, the publication of a com-
munity cookbook entitled Recipes &
Remembrances, and the Closing
Ceremonies. There was also a Dinner
Dance and auction that raised funds to
help begin the endowments for the
foundation. That year also saw the
beginning of the Northville
Community Foundation annual
HolidayHome Tour. This event begins
the holiday season in Northville and
features five privately owned homes
that are professionally decorated for
the holidays. The Holiday Home Tour
has been extremely popular, selling
out each year and will continue this
One of the most significant tasks of
the foundation is themanagement and
operation of Maybury Farm, a source
of pride throughout the Northville
In January of 2003 the Department
One of the most significant
tasks of the foundation
is the management
and operation of Maybury
Farm, a source
of pride throughout the
Northville community.
Decades of service
Foundation to mark 20 years of service to community