Michigan State University College of
Law, the former Detroit College of
Law. He specialized in municipal law
and during the early 90s, was one of
the founding attorneys of Johnson,
Rosati, Schultz and Joppich, where
he continues to practice law.
Johnson and his wife, Patsy, were
married in 1982 and moved to their
current home on Main Street. They
are the parents of two grown chil-
dren, Karlek andTollie.
Karlek Johnson graduated from
Northville High School in 2006 and
earning his degree inpolitical science
from the University of Michigan and
his law degree at the University of
Illinois. He is currently an associate
with a firminChicago, ILL.
Tollie is also a graduate of
Northville High School and earned
her degree from Purdue University.
She currently works in public rela-
tions, marketing and event planning
and divides her time between
Chicago andEurope.
Page 4
from page 3
Chris Johnson, the Citizen of the
Year, was also the chairman of the
Downtown Development Authority in
Northville from November 1987 until
December, 2006.
During his tenure, the DDA com-
pleted projects including:
•Construction of two parking decks
•Hiring of the first DDAdirector 1999
•Construction of Hutton Park 2001
•Strategic Plan update 2006
•Construction of Town Square in 2008
•Streetscape improvements 2012
•Comerica community connection
•Adoption of newDDA and TIF plan
•Wayfinding project 2015
Projects completed during Citizen
of the Year Chris Johnson's tenure as
mayor of the City of Northville includ-
•Celebration of the 50th anniversary of
the city in 2005
• 1998CityHall renovation
• Ford Field Park purchase and
• FishHatchery Park redevelopment
•NorthvilleDistrict Library construction
•Community Center renovation
•Ongoing street improvement program
•Bear Avenue bridge reconstruction
•Rural Hill Cemetery expansion
• Two newparking structures
•Reconstructed parking lots downtown
• Fire department partnershipwith the
City of Plymouth
• Joint services withNorthville Township
•Annual household hazardous waste
day events withNorthville, Northville
Township andCity of Livonia
•Recycling programs