Northville Fourth of July Parade 2016 - page 7

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St. Mary ‘Cheers For Champions’
St. Mary Mercy Livonia is proud to
support the Northville Independence
Day Parade and celebrate hard work
through the parade's theme - Cheers
for Team USA: Celebrating the 2016
With dedication comes success. The
Olympians competing later this sum-
mer on behalf of our country have
devoted countless hours to practice,
preparation and competition. They dis-
covered their passion at a young age
and committed to the effort necessary
to become exceptional at their sport.
They've experienced trials and tribula-
tions. They have persevered and to
earn the honor to compete at one of
the highest levels and on the biggest
stage. This is a credit to their dedica-
Like the 2016 Summer Olympic ath-
letes, St. Mary Mercy knows a little
something about hard work and dedi-
cation. Earlier this year, St. Mary
Mercy became a verified Level II
Trauma Center through the American
St Mary,
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