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an agreement and the foundation offi-
cially took ownership of the farm on
Nov. 1, 2003. The goal of the founda-
tion, clearly understood by the state
and the township was to rebuild the
farm as an educational experience for
children throughout southeast
Michigan where they could visit and
learn about the workings of an operat-
ing farm.
In January 2004, the search began
for 'just the right barns' to replace
those lost in the fire. New barn
designs were offered, however it was
felt that the preservation and refur-
bishment of existing barns would be
more in keeping with the authenticity
and heritage of the original farm. The
Barn Committee selected barns from
the property now known as Island
Lakes Subdivision in Novi. The exte-
rior and interior details of the century-
old barns fit the farm perfectly and
thanks to the efforts of the Novi City
Council and Toll Brothers the barn
donation was made possible. On Aug.
7, 2005, the barns were moved as they
stood-40-feet tall and as wide as the
two lane roads and their shoulders-- 4
miles fromNovi toMayburyFarm.
From that day forward hundreds
upon hundreds of individual and fami-
ly donors and more than 100 corpora-
tions stepped up to help theNorthville
Community Foundation rebuild
Maybury Farm. The Ford Motor Co.
was a major donor of manpower and
expertise. The Northville Community
Foundation received no tax dollars for
the rebuilding of the farm which was
accomplished with the outpouring of
support from corporations and donors
from23 communities.
Maybury Farm was officially
reopened on Sept. 20, 2005. Staying
true to the Foundation mission, the
working farmcontinues to offer educa-
tional programs and activities for all
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