Northville Fourth of July Parade 2016 - page 12

Page 10
Lady Liberty
Parade icon is a Northville family tradition
For 20 years, Lady Liberty has graced the annual
Northville 4th of July parade and she will be waving to the
assembled crowds again this year.
Her vehicle has changed several times, parts of her cos-
tume have been updated, and the original Lady Liberty,
Diana Wallace, has passed the torch on to her daughters,
but her spirit remains exactly as it was when the tradition
beganback in 1997.
Wallace said she started appearing in the parade
dressed as the iconic symbol of our country when she first
became involvedwith the parade committee.
“KarenBrown andKarenWoodside and I worked on the
parade committee and came up with the idea. We switched
off doing it and I think I was Lady Liberty the second year
and thendid it for the last 10 years,”Wallace said.
Wallace, who was born in Northville and raised in
Dexter, has lived in the community since 1986 and both her
daughters grew up here and graduated from Northville
Kelly, Amy and Diana Wallace share the Lady Liberty
parade title.
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