Page 26 - ff2019
P. 26

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       Pure ‘Joy’

       Chairman enjoys community benefits of festival

         Fall Festival Chairman Eric Joy has  Plymouth so special and this festival  event is the same,
       been involved with the event for decades  what it is.”                 he said, every year.
       and been at the helm of the event for sev-  He said it is difficult to imagine a  “Use the free
       eral years.                        community where nearly 1,000 volun-  parking at Praise        Eric Joy
         His favorite part of the event, howev-  teers join together as happens at the Fall  Baptist Church and the free shuttle. We
       er, is the aftermath.              Festival annually.                  only ever have one constant concern at
         “Between the Rotary clubs and the  “It's just a real community effort,” he  this event and that is parking. That is so
       Kiwanis, the Civitans and Bingo, with  said.                           easy to avoid and this is the most under-
       just those groups, there is probably close  Joy said he walks the festival from  utilized benefit we offer.
       to $100,000 that is coming right back into  end to end each year about 12 or 15 times  “Just use the shuttle. It's free and it is
       the community in scholarships for high  during the weekend, just to watch the  so convenient. It drops people off right in
       school kids, the Little League, football  interaction and the crowds enjoy the  the center of the festival and runs about
       groups, wrestling teams, cheerleading,  event.                         every 20 minutes,” Joy said.
       just from this festival,” he said.   “I stop at every booth and often see so  He added that his entire family sup-
         “The money goes in a circle; into the  many familiar faces, volunteers that  ports his work with the festival, including
       clubs during the festival and then right  come back year after year, even when  his wife, Dawn, and four children. ages,
       back out to helping so many activities  their children are no longer involved  17, 15, 13, and 11.
       and charities in the community,” he  with the groups,” he said.          “They like to brag to their friends that
       added. “I think that is what makes   His expert advice on enjoying the  their Dad runs the festival,” he said.
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