Page 25 - ff2019
P. 25

Page 25

       Seasoning is ‘Chicken Sunday’ secret

         It's no secret that the Rotary   secret flavorings.                  dreds of volunteers who help and
       Chicken Barbeque brings 11,000 peo-  “I will tell you that people love it,”  especially to Paul Opdyke from
       ple clamoring for the meals but that  Early, a civil engineer, said, “but  Serene Surroundings.
       special seasoning sprinkled on the  that's about all I can reveal.”      “I bet he puts 100 guys on this for
       chickens remains one of the best     In addition to Early, members of  us doing everything from unloading
       kept secrets anywhere.             the Rotary Chicken Barbeque         and loading equipment, taking care
         Kent Early, chairman of the      Committee sworn to keep the secret  of all the tables and chairs, boxes of
       Rotary    Chicken      Barbeque    of the seasoning this year include  food and supplies.
       Committee this year, said the recipe  Brandon Bunt who is handling all   “I cannot tell you everything these
       for the seasoning certainly pre-dates  the purchasing for the event; Gary  guys do. And when it comes to clean
       his 15-year tenure with the commit-  Stolz who in charge of ticket sales;  up Monday morning, we are done by
       tee.                               Andy Savage who coordinates all the  10:30 only because of Paul and his
         “The recipe is passed down from  various volunteers and groups; Eric  guys. Otherwise, we would be there
       one committee to the next and it is  Kostoff who handles the organization  all day.”
       never revealed,” he said.          of all the equipment, permits and     He said that this year the commit-
         The seasoning is such a secret that  signs and Danny Hyman, who does  tee has tweaked a few things to make
       the spices are mixed together in an  anything else that might be needed.  service a little smoother but the half-
       undisclosed location on Friday after-  They are helped, too, by Mike Muma  chicken meal will taste like it has for
       noon, prior to the Sunday grilling.  who was the committee chairman    six decades since the barbeque
       When the smoke eaters light the    last year.                          began.
       grills early Sunday morning, the     Early stressed the gratitude of the  “As for the reason, well, that's a
       chickens have been coated with the  committee and the club to the hun-  secret.”
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