Page 23 - ff2019
P. 23

Page 23

       At your ‘service’

       Church offers free parking, shuttle service all weekend

         Who needs Uber or Lyft when volun-  church outreach program just to let peo-  funds are used to support the community
       teers from Faith Baptist Church are  ple know we are here.”            service projects of the clubs like Special
       available to provide an air-conditioned,  As the festival will close an hour early  Olympics, Lions, Rotary and Civitans.
       comfortable ride to and from all the Fall  this year on both Friday and Saturday,  Without those volunteers, flow though
       Festival fun?                      the shuttles will accommodate riders  the lots would be subject to parking jams
         As has become a tradition, the church  until “the last person shows up needing a  and even double parking. The volunteers
       will provide free parking and transport  ride,” Hooper said. He said he expected  keep a close watch on parking availabili-
       visitors to the festival from the church  it to be a bit earlier, but that the shuttles  ty and keep traffic in control, according
       location at 45000 North Territorial Road,  would run every 20 minutes or so from  to Festival Chairman Eric Joy.
       about a quarter mile west of Sheldon  the church to the drop off point near city  “If I have one piece of advice, it is for
       Road.                              hall, right in the center of the action.   people to take the shuttle,” Joy said. “It
         The large shuttle vans driven by   “We will pick people up there, too,  makes the entire event far more pleasant
       church volunteers will provide a ride  who are ready to return to their cars,” he  for everyone and the church volunteers
       into the center of Fall Festival action.  said. The church will welcome those  do a great job.”
         “We think this helps folks enjoy the  waiting in line inside the air-conditioned  The shuttle will operate for about a
       festival without added stress of finding a  building, he added.        half-hour before the festival opens and
       parking spot,” explained church member  Most of the public parking lots in the  for about half hour after it closes, or until
       James Hooper who volunteers with the  city will be manned by various service  all the riders have been returned to their
       shuttle service every year. “It's part of our  clubs charging $5 or so to park. Those  vehicles.
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