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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 29, 2023

                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Wayne and Westland compete for state award

           Nine projects have been sub-  Four finalists will be selected  the four finalists. The project  Sterling Heights City Council.  for the Cup” because the win-
        mitted to compete for the      to compete at the league conven-  winning the most votes will be  “We would like to thank each  ning community gets a large tro-
        statewide        Community     tion, where city representatives  awarded the official Community  community participating this  phy and bragging rights for the
        Excellence Award (CEA)-the     will present their projects on the  Excellence Award during the  year. Projects like these are vital  year.
        most prestigious Michigan      main stage and market their    closing general session.      to creating thriving communities  The City of Wayne submitted
        Municipal League community     projects at designated CEA final-  “We are excited about the  across the state.”            the Zeke the Therapy Dog proj-
        honor.                         ist booths. The October conven-  projects that have been submit-  Since 2007, the CEA has been  ect while Westland officials
           Both Wayne and Westland     tion will take place in October in  ted,” said Barb Ziarko, the presi-  the most prestigious community  entered Mission to Mars
        have submitted projects for con-  Traverse City where attendees  dent of the League Board of  award of the league. It's also  Themed Playground into the
        sideration of the award.       will vote for their favorite among  Trustees and a member of the  affectionately called “The Race  competition.
        Westland offering new Community Connect program

           Members of the Westland Fire  Connect, a computer application                         ”                                 resident feedback and improve
        Department are using technology  focused on protecting residents                                                           the service overtime.
        to help keep residents safe.   and their property in the most              Community Connect is a secure,                    "We are very pleased to add
           "When responding to a resi-  effective way possible during an            easy to use platform that allows               another element for our resi-
        dence, there is often critical  incident or major disaster.                                                                dents and first responders to
        information that would assist in  Community Connect is a secure,         residents to share critical information.          keep us a regional leader on safe
        how we respond to that incident.  easy to use platform that allows                                                         community practices. This initia-
        Letting us know who the best   residents to share critical infor-                                                          tive adds to our recent free busi-
        point of contact is in case of an  mation about their household.  fortable sharing. Residents sim-  ing information about their fami-  ness inspections, CPR training
        emergency, if yourself or family  That information is often critical-  ply create a profile and enter  ly, home, pets, and critical details  classes for the public and city
        members have functional needs  ly important to first responders  critical property and occupant  with the Westland Fire    staff, and the Westland Police
        that we should prepare for, or  and emergency service person-  information which is then made  Department,   Community     Department's many initiatives,
        even if you have pets we should  nel and helps them respond   available to public safety agen-  Connect has also made it possi-  such as the 911 Disability
        look out for, can really help us  more efficiently and effectively;  cies at the time of dispatch. Data  ble for residents to request  Awareness Registry", said
        serve you in the most effective  ultimately resulting in better  provided by residents within  smoke alarms right through the  Westland Mayor Michael P.
        way possible when it matters   incident outcomes, Stamper     Community Connect is 100 per-  website.                      Londeau.
        most", stated Fire Chief Darrell  noted.                      cent secure and is used only for  Community Connect is now     For more information about
        Stamper.                         Community Connect is com-    the purpose of better serving the  available for residents to create  the Westland Community
           To facilitate that safety infor-  pletely voluntary and residents  resident during emergency situa-  household profiles and begin  Connect visit:
        mation, the fire department has  are individually able to decide  tions, city officials said.  using the service. Westland offi-
        implemented      Community     what information they are com-   In addition to residents shar-  cials said they intend to listen to  land.


                                                                                                                 Inkster residents marked the Juneteenth holiday
                                                                                                                 last week with a community gathering at Inkster
                                                                                                                 Park on John Daly Road. The event included sev-
                                                                                                                 eral live music performances, vendors, a magic
                                                                                                                 show and a car exhibition along with a Celebration
                                                                                                                 of Freedom. State, county and local elected offi-
                                                                                                                 cials were in attendance during the event.  Among
                                                                                                                 the several remembrances of the day was a cere-
                                                                                                                 mony led by Pastor John D. Hern who honored
                                                                                                                 current ancestors and set the atmosphere for the
                                                                                                                 day of celebration and Michael Imhotep of the
                                                                                                                 African History Network was also a guest speaker.
                                                                                                                 Participants also walked to the water as part of the
                                                                                                                 Middle Passage Memorial with organizers from the
                                                                                                                 We Rise and Community Up project.
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