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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 29, 2023

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

        Township manager’s official job description accepted by trustees

           Anthony Burdick now has an  been instrumental in preparing                                                              Supervisor Michelle Cole who
        official job description detailing  the job description, said he was          We really can't call it a final              left the township in November
        his duties and responsibilities as  finally satisfied with the docu-                                                       and had been acting as an as-hoc
        Sumpter Township manager.      ment which had been under dis-                 product because there are                    supervisor in the community for
           Burdick was named township  cussion for several months. The              always things that come along.                 several months prior to his offi-
        manager effective July 1, 2022 by  job description appeared as an                                                          cial appointment as township
        a unanimous vote of the board of  agenda item for previous board                                                           manager job last year.
        trustees. He had been the deputy  members but was removed by a                                                               Trustee Tim Rush was
        township clerk for 31/2 years  motion from Oddy who said he     “All the way around, I think it's  every situation that might occur  appointed as deputy supervisor
        prior to his appointment.      wanted to ensure the final docu-  a very good document to get  during Burdick's day-to-day man-  following Cole's resignation while
           Board members have been     ment met the needs of the town-  accomplished items we would  agement of the township.      the township hiring committee
        discussing an official job descrip-  ship and Burdick.        expect the township manager to   “We really can't call it a final  began an official search for a
        tion for Burdick almost since his  When presenting the finalized  have his hands on,” Oddy told the  product because there are always  township administrator. The field
        appointment and the document   job description to the members of  trustees.                 things that come along,” he said,  of candidates was reduced to
        was finalized last month during a  the board during the May 23  He cautioned his fellow board  but reiterated that he felt the pro-  three who were interviewed and
        meeting of the board.          meeting, Oddy said he was satis-  members, however, that the job  posed contract was satisfactory.   all ultimately rejected by the
           Trustee Matt Oddy, who had  fied with the document.        description could not include    Burdick succeeded Deputy    board of trustees.


           of the Guard

           Members of the Plymouth Noon Rotary
           Club celebrated the induction of a new
           member and a new president during their
           meeting last week at the Community
           Center. Rotary District Governor Traci
           Sincock, far left, was on hand as
           Immediate Pat President Penny Joy, far
           right, handed the gavel to new President
           Chris Porman, center, whose wife, Chris
           Porman, second from left, attended the
           meeting. Don Soenen, second from left,
           will become a member of the Rotary Club
           Board on July 1 and was the sponsor of
           new member Marie McCormick, third from
           right. Russ Jones, second from right, is the
           District Governor Elect and will take office
           July 1 when Sincock steps down from the
           post. Photo by Helen Yancy.

        Phase III of Plymouth Central Parking Deck renovation is under way

           Crews were expected to com-  Parking Deck as preparations  time.                         June. Locations of additional  with little to no impact on the park-
        plete Phase II of the 2023 Central  begin for the resurfacing of the  Motorists can park vehicles  municipal lots are available at:  ing system.
        Parking Deck renovation project in  upper level and the ramp. Work on  without time limits at the Christian  Crews are expected to return
        downtown Plymouth last weekend.  Phase III is expected to take  Science Church located at 1100 W.  Maps. Enforcement of all other  after Art in the Park weekend to
           Phase III of the project was  approximately one week, depend-  Ann Arbor Trail. The Downtown  time limits will remain in place  make those minor repairs to com-
        expected to begin immediately and  ing on weather conditions, officials  Development Authority staff  during this project, officials said.  plete the project
        will require the closure of the  said, and the entire upper level  secured the area for additional  Once Phase III is complete, only  More information is available
        entire upper level of the Central  will remain closed during that  public parking through the end of  a few minor repairs will remain  by email at

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                     July 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM
         The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six Mile Road,
         Northville, MI 48168 to consider:
         •   West side of Ridge Rd., north of Five Mile Rd. (Parcel # 77 071 99 0002 702) Conditional rezoning from ORT (Office,
            Research & Technology) to RM-1 (Multiple Family Residential) for 98 attached residential units on approximately 25 acres.
         •   Draft Master Plan
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions. Information will be available for
         viewing at the Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Written comments will be received by the
         Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168 no later than 12:00 PM on the day on
         the above meeting.
         Matthew Wilk, Chair
         Planning Commission
         Publish: June 29, 2023                                       NT0222 - 062923  2.5 x 2.416


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