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June 29, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Canton recreation supervisor wins national award

           Canton Township Leisure                                                                  #ModelMan, two award-winning
        Services Recreation Supervisor             She is a consummate professional                 leadership programs for youth
        Laura Mortier has received the                                                              that remain in high demand at
        prestigious 2023 Robert W.                     who lives and breathes the                   The B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen
        Crawford Young Professional                 benefits of parks and recreation.               Center which receive continuous
        Award from the National                                                                     recognition for their success and
        Recreation and Park Association                                                             innovation.
        (NRPA).                        lives and breathes the benefits of  2019 Mortier received the   During the past few years,
           Mortier has now joined the  parks and recreation. Laura is  Michigan Recreation and Park  Mortier has also deeply been
        ranks of just over a dozen other  quick to show initiative and is  Association (mParks) New  involved in serving on several
        parks and recreation profession-  passionate about helping others.  Professional award for exhibit-  mParks committees where she
        als in the United States who have  She has been a driving force in  ing outstanding service and dedi-  has leveraged her commitment
        also received this same distin-  the development of numerous  cation to Canton Leisure      to the mParks board and her pas-
        guished NRPA award. The        creative and advocacy programs  Services, as well as to the mParks  sion for the parks and recreation
        Robert W. Crawford Young       that have all gone on to be highly  organization. In addition, Mortier  field by contributing to the
        Professional Award recognizes  successful. Her creative, hands-  has also served on the mParks  advancement of mParks' initia-
        the vision and dedication of indi-  on approach and great leader-  Board as a director at large.   tives for growing diversity and
        viduals who have tirelessly    ship have earned her many acco-  Since the age of 17, Mortier  youth development, according to
        worked to improve the quality of  lades in our community, as well  has worked for Canton Leisure  a prepared press release.
        life in America through parks  as across the state of Michigan.  Services, starting out as a junior  Within the Canton community,           Laura Mortier
        and recreation and who will    She truly epitomizes what a    day camp counselor to advance  Mortier also holds a seat on a
        serve as examples for future   parks and recreation profession-  to a top leadership position as  local charter school board, while  administered by the National
        leaders in continuing the recre-  al exemplifies and is so deserv-  Recreation Supervisor. Mortier  also serving on the Canton Cares  Certification Board and the
        ation and park movement into   ing of this national recognition.”    currently oversees the opera-  Committee, and the Canton  National Recreation and Park
        the 21st century, according to a  The 2023 Robert W. Crawford  tions and programming of The  Commission for Culture, Arts,  Association. This CPRP certifica-
        prepared statement.            Young Professional Award will  B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen     and Heritage. In addition, she is  tion is granted to individuals
           “To say that Laura's dedica-  be presented to Mortier during  Center for area youth ages 11-17,  an active leader in her church on  employed in the recreation, park
        tion to the parks and recreation  the NRPA Annual Conference in  Canton Therapeutic Recreation  the  Peace  and   Justice  resources, and leisure services
        profession is exemplary, would  Dallas this fall.             programming, enrichment class-  Committee, as well as a member  professions who meet the eligi-
        be putting it mildly,” said Jon  Mortier has previously been  es, and summer camps, in addi-  of “Chicks for Charity,” a local  bility requirements. Mortier, her
        LaFever, Canton community      honored as a new professional in  tion to special events. During her  women's charity. Mortier is also a  husband Matt, and their daugh-
        development director. “She is a  the parks and recreation indus-  tenure, she has also launched  Certified Park and Recreation  ter Matilda currently reside in
        consummate professional who    try in the state of Michigan. In  Lead #LikeAGirl and Be a   Professional (CPRP), which is  Canton.
        Juneteenth exhibit continues at Village Arts Factory gallery

           The Fine Art Gallery at the  believes creating art through  director in the Midwest and in  to the antique quality, peeling,  career, using archival paper of
        Village Arts Factory welcomes  collage work, "allows the mind  New York City, where Davis was  and fading that comes over time,  past work woven into his paint-
        the featured works of local artist  to ponder abstract art of natural  the Creative Director in  Davis worked for years to mas-  ed fresco technique on canvas
        Carl Davis in celebration of the  landscapes, the legacy of slav-  Advertising for The New York  ter this painting method. This  and wood, he said.
        Juneteenth holiday entitled    ery, the countless people who  Times, he returned to his first  included controlling wet plaster  This special exhibit is free
        "Juneteenth Series," which will  suffered the cruelty of slavery,  love of painting. He has exhibit-  on various surfaces and then  and open to the public during
        be on public display until July  and many of those who rose up  ed his work in various galleries  creating various textures using  gallery hours from 9 a.m. until 6
        20.                            and fought for freedom."       throughout New York, Chicago,  dry pigment and marble dust,  p.m. Monday through -Friday as
           The     dichotomy       of     Davis said as a child he    California, and Europe, with  among other medium choices.    well as during all public Village
        Juneteenth, being seen as both a  spent time learning to draw and  various celebrities, organiza-  Post-pandemic,  Davis   Arts Factory events, or by spe-
        celebration of freedom as well  paint at The Cincinnati Art   tions, and companies collecting  brought his passion along with  cial appointment arranged via
        as a somber remembrance, is    Academy and later studied at   his artwork.                  him as he relocated to Canton,  email                    to
        not lost on Carl Davis. In his  The Cincinnati Art Museum. He   During Carl Davis’ travels  Michigan to reside and spend
        own words, "How we honor       went on to earn his Bachelor of  throughout southern Europe  time with his family. Completing  The Art Gallery at The
        America's not-so-glorious past, is  Fine Arts Degree from The Ohio  and Northwest Africa, he  the "Juneteenth Series" exhibit,  Village Arts Factory is located at
        to open your mind to the change  State University.            became enamored with the reli-  represents the remembrance of  50755 Cherry Hill Road in
        of how we think." Davis said he  After a long career as an art  gious-themed fresco art. Drawn  his work throughout his art  Canton.
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