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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 29, 2023



        Coworkers, first responders

        save heart attack victim’s life

           Cristal Mouele always thought her co-  her pulse.
        workers at the University of Michigan    Shortly after, she began breathing on
        Health Center in Northville Township   her own and regained consciousness,
        were lifesavers, but it wasn't until April 20  according to official reports of the incident.
        that she truly understood their skills.   Township Fire Department EMTs took
           While working, Mouele suffered a sud-  an EKG at the scene, notified the hospital
        den cardiac arrest. Recognizing the emer-  and transported her to Trinity Health
        gency, her colleagues called 911, began  Livonia Hospital. She regained conscious-
        CPR, used an automated external defibril-  ness and was alert enroute to the hospital,
        lator (AED), started an IV and even admin-  officials said. Township paramedics even
        istered some cardiac medication prior to  accompanied Mouele into the cath lab and
        the arrival of township first responders.  were present for her cardiac catheteriza-
           Township police officers arrived and  tion procedure.                     Cristal Mouele, center, was on hand at Northville Township Hall last week as her co-
        performed CPR and firefighter/paramedics  Northville Township Fire Chief Brent  workers and the first responders who saved her life were officially recognized for their
        assumed care of Mouele at the scene, pro-  Siegel presented civilian life-saving awards  heroism. Photo provided by Northville Township.
        viding advanced life support.          last week to Mouele's colleagues who  police officers, and firefighter/para-  gram has such success in resuscitating vic-
           Mouele was defibrillated five times and  helped save her life.            medics,” officials said in a prepared state-  tims who suffer a cardiac arrest that our
        had three rounds of cardiac medications  “These positive outcomes do not hap-  ment.                               survival rates have continued to be three
        administered when EMTs successfully dis-  pen by chance. This success was due to the  “Northville  Township  Fire  times the state and national averages,”
        tinguished a regained heartbeat through  efforts of her co-workers, our dispatch,  Department's Advanced Life Support pro-  Siegel added.


                                                                                                Municipal vehicles from the
                                                                                                Northville Fire and Police depart-
                                                                                                ments, the water department,
                                                                                                Northville City Hall, DTE Energy
                                                                                                and other service trucks
                                                                                                appeared in the Northville High
                                                                                                School parking lot last weekend
                                                                                                in an event hosted by the
                                                                                                Northville District Library.
                                                                                                Organizers said the inaugural
                                                                                                Tough-A-Truck event drew a large
                                                                                                crowd interested in talking with
                                                                                                public safety and utility person-
                                                                                                nel. Firefighters explained the var-
                                                                                                ious equipment necessary in exe-
                                                                                                cuting water/ice rescues or vehi-
                                                                                                cle extrications along with various
                                                                                                equipment including patrol cars
                                                                                                and service trucks.

         Garden Walk

         tickets now


           Tickets for the Garden Club of
        Northville Annual Garden Walk
        are now available.
           This year, the self-directed
        tour of six private gardens will
        take place from 9 a.m. until 4
        p.m. July 12.
           Advance tickets for the
        Garden Walk are available at
        Gardenviews at Home or online
        at Eventbrite. Advance sale tick-
        ets are priced at $12 while tick-
        ets the day of the walk will be
        available only at the Green
        Space 199 South Wing St.,
        behind the Northville Public
        Library and will be $15. Artisans
        and vendors will be on hand to
        offer unique garden related
        items as well as plant material,
        an organizer said.
           For more information or to
        purchase tickets by phone, call
        (734) 788-9935.

           Moving up

           Northville Township Police
           Sgt. Tony Dang was
           recently promoted to his
           new rank in the depart-
           ment. Officials said that
           "Dang has displayed
           remarkable dedication and
           perseverance throughout a
           rigorous and demanding
           promotional process, and
           we are proud to witness
           his achievement. Officer
           Dang's successful naviga-
           tion of this intensive and
           stressful journey serves as
           a true testament to his
           unwavering work ethic and
           commitment to excellence"
           officials concluded in a
           social media statement.
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