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June 29, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Flag Day

        Original Rosie the Riveter

        honored in Romulus event

           The annual celebration of   She continues working at
        Flag Day in Romulus this year  Willow Run for the remainder of
        included a special presentation  World War II, from 1939 until
        to 99-year-old Ruth Pegauski, an  1945.
        official and original Rosie the  Pegauski recently retired
        Riveter.                       from her position as a site man-
           Traditionally, the ceremony  ager with the Meals on Wheels
        on June 14, national Flag Day,  program A widow, Pegauski and
        includes a presentation of the  her husband, a World War II vet-
        colors from the World War One  eran, were the parents of three
        Monument      in    Romulus    children. She said following her
        Historical Park. This year, mem-  retirement a few months ago,
        bers of the Honor Guard from   she now only manages her dog,
        Romulus VFW Post 78 and        Trixie Pooh.
        Mayor Robert a. McCraight pre-   McCraight thanked Pegauski
        sented the colors to Pegauski to  during the official ceremony
        honor her efforts during the war.  and noted she was part of the
           Pegauski was born in 1924   machine that won World War II
        and celebrated her 99th birth-  and defeated Hitler.
        day Jan. 2. She became an offi-  Romulus Fire Department
        cial Rose when she worked as a  Captain John Thiede presented
        Riveter in Highland Park and   a historical account of the
        was then sent to Willow Run    American Flag during the cere-
        Airport when her skills were   mony which takes place at the  Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight thanks Rosie the Riveter Ruth Pegauski during Flag Day ceremonies
        needed during the war effort.  monument each year.            June 14 at Historical Park in the city.

        Romulus accepts ‘patriotic’ challenge during Patriots in the Park picnic

                                                                        Who will claim the honors as  Romulus Rotary Club.         bring family members and
                                                                      Most Patriotic City this year?   The City of Romulus has     friends to the event. Veterans
                                                                      Romulus is preparing to com-  been challenged by neighboring  will be admitted to the picnic at
                                                                      pete for the title for 2023 during  communities Dearborn Heights,  no cost and donations are
                                                                      the Patriots in the Park event set  Grosse  Ile,  Southgate,  accepted from all others.
                                                                      for July 8 at Romulus Historical  Riverview and Trenton for the  Picnickers are urged to wear
                                                                      Park.                         title of most patriotic communi-  red, white and blue, and bring
                                                                        The picnic will include food  ty. In 2022, the City of Riverview  American flags and other patri-
                                                                      and games as the crowd awaits  won the patriotic competition  otic items to display and wave as
                                                                      the “Wounded America” charity  with the highest attendance.  the crowd welcomes the motor-
                                                                      motorcycle ride to pass through  This year can be our year, city  cycle riders passing through on
                                                                      Romulus. The annual fundrais-  officials said.               the charity ride. There will be
                                                                      er raises thousands of dollars to  “Let's show our neighboring  prizes for the most patriotic dis-
                                                                      help local veterans and usually  communities our Romulus     play and best patriotic attire.
                                                                      sets a goal of $35,000 for the  patriotic pride! Bring the family  There are several other sur-
                                                                      event.                        for some fun and games and     prises planned during the event,
                                                                        Food will be provided at the  help us raise money to help our  organizers said. Historical Park
                                                                      picnic from 11:30 a.m. until 1  vets,” an organizer of the event  is located at 11137 Hunt St. in
                                                                      p.m. in cooperation with the  said.  Residents are urged to  the city.
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