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June 29 – July 5, 2023 NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST 75¢
No. 26 www
Vol. 138, No. 26
After weeks of work,
Anthony Burdick now has an
official job description
detailing his duties and
responsibilities as Sumpter
Township manager.
See page 4.
Vol. 76, No. 26
Canton Township Leisure
Services Recreation
Supervisor Laura Mortier
has received the prestigious
2023 Robert W. Crawford
Young Professional Award.
See page 5.
Vol. 76, No. 26
Inkster residents marked
the Juneteenth holiday last
week with a community
gathering featuring live
music, magic, a car show
along with a Celebration of
See page 6.
Communities ready to celebrate national Independence Day
When the 4th of July parades ” president to celebrate
Vol. 23, No. 26 and celebrations begin next Independence Day at the White
Tuesday, they will mark an What is really special about America's House in the year 1801. Horse
The coworkers and
Northville Township first incredibly significant moment in celebration is the focus on the races, parades, food and drinks
responders who saved a American history: it was the day freedom and personal independence. were a part of the revelry, giving
woman's life after a heart the United States officially rise to a custom we see even
attack were officially recog- became nation after the today.
nized by the township last Declaration of Independence The Fourth of July did not
week. was adopted on July 4, 1776. Prior changes. The final draft of the of England, symbolic of the death become a federal holiday until
See page 2. to that, our country comprised 13 Declaration of Independence of the Crown's rule in the country. 1870 and the date did not become
colonies established by Great was adopted on July 4, 1776, but While the first annual celebra- a paid holiday for federal
Britain. the actual signing of the final doc- tion of Independence Day hap- employees until 1941.
The Declaration of ument took place on August 2, pened on July 4, 1777, in What is really special about
Independence is one of the most 1776. Philadelphia, John Adams, a America's celebration is the focus
important documents in the his- American citizens take part in 'Founding Father' and the second on the freedom and personal
Vol. 23, No. 26 tory of the United States. It was festivities ranging from fireworks president of the US, felt it should independence our country pro-
Crews were expected to an official act taken by all 13 to parades, barbecues, carnivals, be celebrated on July 2. As such, vides. While other countries cele-
complete Phase II and begin American colonies in declaring concerts, picnics and family gath- he refused to attend the events of brate with huge displays of mili-
Phase III of the 2023 Central independence from British rule. erings in celebration of the free- 4th of July, because he felt strong- tary strength and lethal weapons
Parking Deck renovation The document was originally doms America offers. Historically, ly about July 2 being the correct of war, others have begun to emu-
project in downtown written by Thomas Jefferson, but some Americans celebrated date. late the American spirit of cele-
Plymouth last weekend. Benjamin Franklin and John Independence Day in the sum- Thomas Jefferson - who brating the rights and freedoms
See page 4. Adams, along with Jefferson then mer of 1776 by arranging for a served as the third president of the United States provides to
worked together to make mock funeral for King George III the country - became the first every citizen.
Northville parade
Vol. 138, No. 26
The annual celebration of
Flag Day in Romulus this draws thousands
year included a special pres-
entation to 99-year-old Ruth Beauty queens, bands, known figures. State, county
Pegauski, an official and floats, sports mascots and TV and local officials traditionally
original Rosie the Riveter. stars will all join the annual appear in the parade and this
See page 3. Northville 4th of July parade year well-known actor Hill
this year, along with the tradi- Harper from CSI:NY and The
tional escort of police vehicles Good Doctor will experience
and fire trucks. the Northville Independence
The parade, one of the most Day Parade as he joins the
Vol. 76, No. 26 popular events in the commu- lineup of floats.
The parade is organized by
A City of Wayne project is nity, draws audiences from the Northville Chamber of
throughout the area to help
among nine competitors for celebrate small-town America Commerce and planning for
the statewide Community in a big way. Thousands of peo- the major event begins almost
Excellence Award -the most ple begin to line the streets in immediately after the last fire
prestigious Michigan the early morning of July 4 truck in the parade returns to
Municipal League communi- while many city residents the station. Plymouth Kiwanis Club
ty honor. begin to prepare for a full-day Organizing and scheduling
See page 6.
of family and friends celebra- the floats, bands, community sponsors early parade
tions the night before. Spots groups, churches, elected offi-
along the route are claimed cials and local businesses
early with blankets and chairs appearance is a monumental Preparations for the Annual and Drum Corps, cheer and
to ensure a good viewpoint. task. Fourth of July Parade in down- pom teams and several others.
Vol. 76, No. 26 Miss Michigan Maya This will be the fifth year town Plymouth are under way. More than 1,500 participants
Members of the Westland Schuhknecht will be among the chamber has taken on Members of the Kiwanis make the Good Morning USA
Fire Department are using the parade celebrities cele- responsibility. Club of Colonial Plymouth host Parade a patriotic celebration,
technology to help keep resi- brating Independence Day The parade will step off and organize the Main Street a Kiwanis Club member noted,
dents safe with the imple- along with Mrs. Michigan and from Northville Downs where parade which will begin at 9 “With thousands of atten-
mentation of the new Junior Teen Michigan. Paws entries are organized and a.m. July 4. dees lining Main Street, it is
Community Connect com- from the Detroit Tigers will be staged at 10 a.m. and march The parade includes veter- our community's salute to
puter application. waving to the crowds along through the downtown streets ans driven in vehicles, bands, America on the Fourth,” he
See page 6. with multiple other well- for about an hour. floats, flags, the Plymouth Fife said.
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