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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 16, 2023

                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND
                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND

        Council recognizes students’ Acts of Kindness

           Three students in the Wayne
        Westland Community Schools district
        who demonstrated Random Acts of
        Kindness were recently recognized by
        members of the Westland City Council
        during a regular meeting.
           Honored were Brandon Britton of
        Wayne Memorial High School, Lucas
        Downey of William D. Ford Career-
        Technical Center, and Jeremiah
        Whitner of John Glenn High School.
           Britton participates in the district
        unified basketball team as a student
        coach. He has been a consistent pres-
        ence for the team, and the players look
        forward to seeing him, according to his
        nomination, He was recognized for his
        kindness in volunteering his time to this
        unique program.
           Downey is known for his willingness
        to help, according to his nomination. He  Random Acts of Kindness honorees, accompanied by family members and educators, were recently recognized at a meeting of the
        helps other students with assignments  Westland City Council.
        and helps the teaching staff. He helped
        transport carts to the lecture hall when  week for always going out of his way to  esty in returning a cell phone  he had  Compassionate City Committee mem-
        his class had to temporarily move class-  be extra helpful in the Autobody class-  found on the second floor of the high  bers' efforts, working in partnership
        rooms for a couple days. Downey  is con-  room, his nomination cited.        school building.                      with Wayne-Westland Community
        sistently nominated for student of the   Whitner was nominated for his hon-    The program is part of the Westland  Schools.

           Township selects new                                                                      Treasurer offers tax help

                                                                                                       The office of Wayne County
                                                                                                                                   by March 31. Otherwise, they
           school police officer                                                                     Treasurer Eric R. Sabree will be  risk having the property go into
                                                                                                     open on Saturdays beginning
                                                                                                                                   foreclosure, he said.
                                                                                                                                      "It is very important that indi-
                                                                                                     payment arrangements for
             Plymouth Township Police  Security Director Josh Meier                                  Feb.18, for taxpayers to make  viduals who owe back property
           Ofc. Joe Smitherman has been  was a member of the inter-                                  delinquent taxes.             taxes for the year 2020 or prior
           named as the new Plymouth   view panel that assisted with                                   The office will be open from 8  either pay the tax bill in full or
           Canton Community District   selecting Smitherman for the                                  a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturdays  work with our office to make
           Public School Resource      position.                                                     through March 25 for taxpayers  payment arrangements."
           Officer (SRO).                 Police sources praised                                     to make payments or enter a     The      Wayne     County
             Smitherman is a nine-year  Smitherton as "one of our top                                payment plan. For information,  Treasurer's Office has several
           veteran Plymouth Township   community police officers and                                 go                        to  options to help residents stay in
           police officer with additional  is really great with kids and                     their homes, including financial
           experience in Alaska, serving  young adults." The SRO posi-                               ected/treasurer/contact-us.aspx.  hardship extensions and other
           as the SRO in the Ketchikan,  tion was created by members                                   Sabree has urged county tax-  payment plans.
           Alaska Gateway Borough      of the Plymouth Township                                      payers who owe property taxes   For more information, go to
           School District. Plymouth-  Board of Trustees in the                                      for 2020 or prior years to get into or
           Canton School District      annual budget.                        Ofc. Joe Smitherman     payment plans by March 14 or  contact the office by email at tax-
                                                                                                     pay their property tax bills in full

        Police are seeking information
        about the man above captured
        by surveillance camera at a
        Westland drugstore last month.


        is sought

           The search for a man who
        sexually exposed himself at a
        local drugstore in Westland is
        ongoing, according to police
           The indecent exposure
        reportedly occurred just after
        5:43 p.m. on Dec. 18 last year.
        According to police reports, the
        suspect, captured by surveil-
        lance cameras as he left the
        store, took place at the
        Walgreens on Middlebelt Road
        in Westland.
           Witnesses told police the man
        loitered in the store for approxi-
        mately 20 minutes before he lift-
        ed his shirt with his pants pulled
        down, exposing his genitals. The
        man then left the store, accord-
        ing to police reports.
           The suspect is described as a
        white male in his 20s. He is
        about 6-feet, 1-inch tall and has a
        thin build and short black hair.
        At the time of the incident, he
        was wearing a tan jacket and
        black jogger pants.
           Police are asking anyone with
        information about the suspect or
        the incident to contact the
        Westland Police Department
        Detective Bureau at (734)713-
        3706 and speak to Sgt. Nathan
        MacRae who is handling the
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