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February 16, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Indoor Farmers Market returns to Summit on Sunday

           Shoppers looking for fresh  cial items and fill a unique niche  participate in these Off-Season
        produce and hand-crafted goods  in our community.”            Farmers Markets, including:
        can find success at the indoor   All City Dogs Food Truck will  Betty's Best Soap, featuring goat
        Farmers Market set for this    be onsite this Sunday featuring  milk soap, lotion, meat tallow
        Sunday in Canton Township.     craft hot dogs and sausages, as  bars and lotions;  Boblin Honey,
           The Canton Farmers Market   well as a variety of sandwiches  featuring a variety of honey;
        will return with special Off-  and sides for  lunch options. The  Cora + Co Handmade, featuring
        Season Markets in February,    featured food truck for the March  handmade children's clothing
        March, and April at the Summit  19 market will be PizzaPazza.   and accessories;  Crave Home
        on the Park community recre-      In addition, House of Mac   LLC, featuring natural skincare
        ation center.                  food truck will be onsite during  products and jams; Evermore
           The Markets are planned     the April 16 market. Bridge Card  Backyard Farm LLC, featuring
        from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday,  and Double Up Food Bucks   bread, soup, dip dry mixes, and
        Feb. 19, March 19, and April 16,  transactions will also be accept-  spices;  Kapolnek Farms, featur-
        in the Banquet Center at the   ed by a variety of vendors.    ing a variety of meats; Mariposa
        Summit on the Park, located at  Tokens may be purchased at the  Boutique, featuring hair bows
        46000 Summit Parkway in        Canton Leisure Services table.  accessories and custom-made
        Canton.                        Market-goers are encouraged to  clothes; Moxy Eats, featuring
           “Bringing back our off-season  enter through the banquet doors.    salami chips;  Pat Kubert, featur-
        markets to the Summit on the     The new season of the out-   ing pot holders, and sugar
        Park is always a win-win for   door Canton Farmers Market     scrubs;  Pick Michigan, featuring  organic spices, teas and salts;  and salads.
        everyone,” said Canton Farmers  will begin Sunday, May 14, and  greenhouse produce; Planted  STEAP, featuring loose leaf tea  For  additional   Canton
        Market Supervisor Jennifer     will be open from 9 a.m. until 1  Detroit, featuring salads and pro-  and brewing accessories;  The  Farmers Market information,
        Franz.                         p.m. every Sunday through Oct.  duce; Sign Woodworks, featuring  Cheese People of Grand Rapids,  visit, con-
           “We are so glad that we're able  15, in Preservation Park, located  home and holiday signs and dec-  featuring a variety of cheese; The  tact the Farmers Market coordi-
        to help support our local farmers  at 500 N. Ridge Road in Canton.  orations; SkinCare SocialClub,  Pasta Shop, featuring pasta and  nator at cantonfarmers mar-
        and crafters who provide access  A variety of local food growers  featuring various skincare prod-  sauce; and Urge Juice, featuring, or call (734)
        to healthy food sources and spe-  and producers have signed on to  ucts; Spice Grrrl, featuring  cold pressed juices, smoothies,  394-5375.
        Canton police officers host Coffee with a Cop Feb. 25

           Members of the Canton       designed so members of the pub-  Police Department were looking  changed due to shifting demo-  program has also expanded to
        Township Police Department     lic can become more familiar   for ways to interact more suc-  graphics, more commuters, and  outside the Unites States to
        will be buying the coffee during  with and informed about the  cessfully with the citizens they  the introduction of different com-  Canada, Europe, Australia,
        the next Coffee with a Cop ses-  local police department. Officers  served each day.   Community  munication methods such as  Africa, and Latin America.
        sion.                          welcome input regarding neigh-  policing has long been consid-  websites and social media.    Coffee with a Cop opens the door
           The informal and informative  borhoods and concerns of town-  ered a framework for establish-  Coffee with a Cop events now  for interactions outside of the cri-
        gathering is set for 9 until 11 a.m.  ship residents.         ing trust between the community  take place in all 50 states and is  sis situations that typically bring
        Saturday, Feb. 25, at St. Michael  Coffee with a Cop was      and the police. However, over  one of the most successful com-  law enforcement officers and
        Lutheran Church, 7000 Sheldon  launched in 2011 when officers  time the character and composi-  munity-oriented policing pro-  community members together,
        Road in Canton. The sessions are  from the Hawthorne California  tion of local communities have  grams across the country. The  officials said.
        Indian specialty grocery store is proposed for township

           The flavors of Indian cuisine  Township Planning Commission  Plans call for the demolition  Arizona.  Patel Brothers has  Planning commissioners
        could soon be available in     recently reviewed plans for a  of the current building on the 2.6  been in business since 1974 and  required changes to the mason-
        Canton Township with the       20,000-square-foot Patel Brothers  acre property and construction  now operates 52 grocery stores  ry, landscape, lighting and drive-
        potential opening of a grocery  grocery store to be constructed  of a new building. Architects for  across the country, along with  way plans. When those changes
        chain focused on spices and    at the former site of Canton   the proposed store told commis-  those in Ann Arbor, Farmington  are included in the plans, the
        ingredients used in India and  Computers on Canton Center     sioners that work was under way  Hills, Garden City and Troy,  project can be submitted to the
        the Middle East.               Road, between Ford and         on Patel Brothers grocery stores  according to the company web-  township board of trustees for
           Members of the Canton       Hanford roads.                 in Ohio, Georgia, Florida and  site.                         consideration.
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