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February 16, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Township names first-ever deputy police chief

           Matthew MacKenzie has                                  ”                                 every day will be a different
        been named Deputy Police                                                                    challenge,” MacKenzie said.
        Chief of the Northville                          This police department,                       MacKenzie also holds a mas-
        Township Police Department, a                  this community will benefit                  ter's degree in organizational
        new position for the agency.                                                                leadership and administration
           The 21-year veteran of the                    from his new position.                     from Concordia University.
        department will work closely                                                                   He said he expects to take a
        with Police Chief Scott Hilden,                                                             mentoring role to develop the
        as they intensify efforts to                                                                department staff for future suc-
        achieve department goals,      mental specialty roles: the    opportunity to serve the com-  cess.
        launch new initiatives and     crime analyst, the school      munity and help the Northville   In his spare time, he enjoys
        increase community engage-     resource officer, the community  Township Police Department,”  spending time with his wife and
        ment.                          resource officer and the FBI   MacKenzie said.               two sons, camping and exercis-
           “Deputy Chief MacKenzie is  Task Force officer. He also      MacKenzie said he has long  ing (high intensity interval
        an excellent law enforcement   reviewed and assigned cases to  had a soft spot for helping  training - HIIT).
        officer,” Hilden said. “His lead-  detectives, oversaw case man-  youth and plans on finding   His promotion was effective
        ership skills, his ability to men-  agement and was the liaison  ways to incorporate his expert-  Jan. 30. Three internal candi-
        tor others and his attention to  with the media.              ise in his new position. He   dates applied for the position.
        detail have always stood out.    MacKenzie joined Northville  worked as a juvenile probation   “Deputy Chief MacKenzie                Deputy Police Chief
        This police department, this   Township in 2002 after spend-  officer for three years after he  has demonstrated the neces-           Matthew MacKenzie
        community will benefit from    ing 2001as a township reserve  graduated with majors in psy-  sary skills, knowledge and
        his new position.”             officer. His career achieve-   chology and criminology from  understanding of what is need-   Northville Township Police
           MacKenzie was promoted      ments include serving as a     Central Michigan University,  ed to police in the 21st century,”  Department has 36 sworn offi-
        from the rank of detective ser-  school resource officer, a bike  where he played baseball for  Township Supervisor Mark J.  cers. The agency operates a
        geant, his rank since 2020.    patrol officer, a detective, a  two years. He had never consid-  Abbo said. “He recognizes the  Public Safety Answering Point
           In this capacity, he super-  SWAT team leader, a field train-  ered pursuing law enforcement  importance of following nation-  (PSAP), which receives emer-
        vised personnel assigned to the  ing officer supervisor, a ser-  as a career until interacting  wide best practice standards,  gency and non-emergency calls
        support services division, the  geant in charge of road patrol  with police officers on a daily  understands societal concerns  for Northville Township and
        records department, the ordi-  and a firearms instructor, a post  basis, he said.           and believes in the need to be  the City of Northville. The cen-
        nance department, the incident  he has had for 16 years.        “I remember thinking, this  transparent and build commu-   ter is operated by 12 civilian
        support team, as well as depart-  “I am excited about this new  looks like a great job, where  nity trust.”                Public Safety Officers.

                                       Council members choose new city manager

                                          The City of Northville has a  Jan. 6. A field of 24 candidates  Moroski-Browne. Lahanas was  nel and labor relations, and a
                                       new manager.                   had been narrowed down to five  the top choice of every city  bachelor of science degree, cum
                                          George Lahanas, the former  highly qualified individuals who  council member for the city  laude, from Northern Michigan
                                       city manager of East Lansing,  came in for interviews before  manager position, contingent on  University, with a major in crim-
                                       was unanimously chosen by      council members at a special  his acceptance, employment     inal justice.
                                       members of the Northville City  meeting Feb. 4.              terms and a successful back-     Turnbull and other council
                                       Council on Feb. 6 to become the  Two days after the Feb. 4 spe-  ground check.              members said they expect that
                                       new Northville city manager.   cial meeting, Mayor Brian        Lahanas has served in pro-  Lahanas will work well with
                                          His planned starting date is  Turnbull called for each council  gressively higher-level jobs in  staff, Council and others as he
                                       March 1.                       member's top choice from those  East Lansing for 24 years,   manages city functions, over-
                                          The vote for the resolution to  interviews.               including 11 years as city man-  sees new development and
                                       make him an offer of employ-     A list of criteria that council  ager. He holds a master of pub-  helps drive implementation of
                                       ment came exactly one month    members used to rank each can-  lic administration degree from  priority projects designed to
                                       after former City Manager Pat  didate as "the right fit" was read  Northern Michigan University,  improve the quality of life in
                      George Lahanas   Sullivan's retirement date of  by Mayor Pro Tem Barbara      with a concentration in person-  Northville.
        Syrup                                  shoes comfortable for the walk into the  a registered 501 c 3 organization. The  Road.
                                                                                     farm entrance is about a quarter mile past
                                                                                                                              For more information, call (248) 374-
                                               wooded area are advised. The outdoor
                                               walking tour is sometimes wet and snow  the state park entrance off Eight Mile  0200.
        FROM PAGE 1                            covered.
                                                 Tours depart on the half hour from
        with free recipes which use maple syrup.  12:30 until 4 p.m. when the last wagon
           The cost for the popular event is $10  leaves for the wooded area. The tours are
        per person, with children 2 and younger  dependent on the weather visitors should
        admitted at no cost with an adult. Group  call to ensure the tours are scheduled in
        tours are available for any group of 15 or  the event of freezing temperatures, high
        more paid admissions.                  winds or ice. Closure will be announced
           Space is limited for each tour and visi-  on the website as soon as possible.
        tors are asked to be at the wagon loading  Reservations are not required and tick-
        area 15 minutes prior to the assigned tour  ets are sold at the door. Space for the pop-
        time, late arrivals cannot be accommodat-  ular tours is limited, organizers advised,
        ed. The wagon ride to and from the Sugar  and tickets usually sell out quickly.
        Bush is included in admission.           Maybury Farm is located at 50165 Eight
           Appropriate dressing for the unpre-  Mile Road in Northville and is operated
        dictable Michigan March weather and    by the Northville Community Foundation,
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