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February 16 – 22, 2023                                  NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 07                                                                                    www

                                       Romulus ‘Visioning’ report presented to public

                                          The Vision Romulus-Our                                                                 desire for the future of the com-
               Vol. 138, No. 07        Community, Our Future final                                                               munity. The report states that
            Sumpter Township Clerk     vision and strategic action plan                                                          “there is a strong desire among
          Esther Hurst has reminded    was presented to members of the                                                           residents to see the Romulus
          residents that property tax  city council, city officials and the                                                      community evolve and those who
          payments are due no later    public last week.                                                                         participated in the study want a
          than. Feb. 28.                  David Beurle, CEO of Future                                                            more forward looking communi-
                          See page 2.  iQ, the consultants responsible                                                           ty that intentionally embraces
                                       for preparing the report, said                                                            and leans into change.”
                                       there were two major aspects                                                                 The report also noted that
                                       prevalent in the project which                                                            there is a high priority placed on
                                       was developed following exten-                                                            “innovative education, creating
                                       sive community engagement                                                                 strong social connectivity, and
                Vol. 76, No. 07        beginning in July 2022 and con-                                                           building a safe, vibrant, and
            Shoppers looking for       tinuing through January 2023.                                                             engaged community fabric.”
          fresh produce and hand-      The engagement process includ-                                                               Community participants
          crafted goods can find suc-  ed community surveys, five focus                                                          expressed a desire for Romulus
          cess at the indoor Farmers   group sessions, and the Vision                                                            to take a more aggressive
          Market set for this Sunday in  Romulus - Our Community, Our                                                            approach to leveraging the com-
          Canton Township.             Future ThinkTank workshop.                                                                petitive strategic positioning as a
                          See page 3.  “The engagement process was                                                               transportation hub, in a key peri-
                                       designed to provide an open,                                                              urban location, Beurle reported.
                                       inclusive, and transparent plat-                                                          “The focus should be on building
                                       form for community members to                                                             community infrastructure for the
                                       help create a shared vision for                                                           future, that appeals to emerging
                                       Romulus, looking out to 2030.                                                             businesses and workforce.”
               Vol. 76, No. 07         This report represents Future                                                                Throughout the process,
             Every former mayor of the  iQ's analysis of the engagement  David Beurle, CEO of Future iQ, outlines the findings of the exten-  according to the presented find-
          City of Inkster has been invit-  outcomes,” Beurle said.   sive Vision Romulus study to city officials and residents.   ings, a common theme was
          ed to participate in a special  The first aspect of the vision-                                                        excitement that things were
          event set for this weekend at  ing process noted in the report  “It is perfectly positioned for eco-  our pleasure to work with this  beginning to happen in Romulus.
          the city recreation center.  was the leveraging the unique  nomic growth,” he noted.     vibrant community and with the  Participants   repeatedly
                          See page 4.  geographic advantage that        The second aspect of the   deeply invested and committed  expressed a desire to be
                                       Romulus enjoys as the site of the  visioning process has been the  mayor and city staff,” noted the  engaged, informed, and included
                                       international        Detroit  community evolution, according  report.                     in the evolution of the communi-
                                       Metropolitan airport.  Beurle  to the study. “This community is  More than 1,000 people   ty.
                                       said Romulus is on the edge of  unique in its enduring, close-knit  responded or shared in the  The complete report is avail-
                                       the Detroit metropolis yet is also  nature and sense of place. It also  visioning sessions and process,  able on the city website
                Vol. 23, No. 07        a peri-urban space embracing  is very focused on thriving fami-  according to the report, with and the
                                       both rural and urban amenities.  lies and education. It has been  most people sharing a similar  City of Romulus Facebook page.
            Matthew MacKenzie has
          been named Deputy Police
          Chief of the Northville
          Township          Police        Sweet
          Department, a new position
          for the agency.                 season
                          See page 5.
                                          Maybury Farm

                                          Maple Syrup

                Vol. 23, No. 07
            Plymouth     Township         Tours return
          Police Ofc. Joe Smitherman
          has been named as the new         A rite of spring will be cel-
          Plymouth          Canton        ebrated at Maybury Farm
          Community District Public       this year as the annual Maple
          School Resource Officer         Syrup Tours return.
          (SRO).                            Maple Syrup Tours will
                          See page 6.     take place Saturdays and
                                          Sundays from March 11
                                          through April 2. The tours
                                          begin with a tractor-pulled
                                          wagon ride into the woods to
                                          see how maple trees are
               Vol. 138, No. 07
                                          tapped, and watch and taste
            Members of the Romulus        the sap run. This is a walking
          City Council listened to vary-  trip into the Sugar Bush, so
          ing opinions regarding the      visitors should be prepared
          relocation of the city veter-   to walk a short distance, the
          an's monument last Monday.      farm manager explained.
                          See page 2.       Visitors will return to the
                                          farm by wagon ride and be
                                          taken directly to the Sugar
                                          Shack to see how the sap
                                          becomes maple syrup. Spile,
                                          tap, evaporator, filter,
                Vol. 76, No. 07
                                          hydrometer, arch, sheeting -
            Members of the Wayne          visitors will learn what all
          Rotary Club continued the       those devices have to do with
          long-standing tradition of      creating the sweet treat. A lit-
          presenting each third-grade     tle history and science will
          student in the community        accompany the syrup pro-
          with a dictionary.              cessing and a sampling of
                          See page 4.     freshly made maple syrup.
                                            Visitors can also enjoy a
                                          visit with the farm animals
                                          while at the farm, organizers
                                            After the tour, visitors can
                Vol. 76, No. 07
                                          warm up in the Maybury
            Three Wayne-Westland          Farm General Store where
          students who demonstrated       hot drinks and snacks are
          Random Acts of Kindness         available to purchase. Pure
          were recently recognized by     Michigan Maple Syrup is also
          members of the Westland         available for purchase along
          City Council during a regular
          meeting.                                See Syrup, page 5
                          See page 6.

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