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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 16, 2023

                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS
                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS

        Relocation site for veterans memorial is discussed

                                                                        Members of the Romulus      public to comment on the two   the Union Army during the Civil
                                                                      City Council have listened to  proposed locations, was sched-  War where he was wounded
                                                                      varying opinions regarding the  uled Monday, although any deci-  during the battle of Gettysburg.
                                                                      relocation of the city veteran's  sion was not available at press  After being rescued from the
                                                                      monument during the past      time. The two proposed loca-   battlefield by his brother, Bird
                                                                      months.                       tions for re-installation of the  served for 10 years as a light-
                                                                        During construction of the  monument are the southwest     house keeper on the Keweenaw
                                                                      new courthouse on the munici-  corner of the Romulus         peninsula. When he retired, he
                                                                      pal complex, the memorial was  Municipal Complex parking lot  moved to Romulus and con-
                                                                      removed and much of it placed  or the formation of a veteran's  structed his family home now
                                                                      in storage by workers from the  memorial park at the corner of  located at 12112 Wayne Road.
                                                                      DPW, according to reports at  Wayne and Vining Road.           The    famous     painting
                                                                      various council meetings when    The proposed establishment  "Gettysburg Cyclorama" by Paul
                                                                      the location of the monument  of a veteran's park is at the site  Philippoteaux, on exhibit at the
                                                                      was questioned by the public  of the historic Peter C. Bird  Gettysburg National Museum,
        Reinstalling the Romulus Veteran's Memorial at the grounds of the  and council members.     home, a registered national his-  features the rescue of Pvt. Bird
        historic Peter Bird House in the city is being considered by officials.   A study session, allowing the  toric site. Peter C. Bird served in  by his brother.
        Clerk reminds residents

        of tax payment deadline

           Sumpter Township Clerk Esther     county officers will incur a 4 percent
        Hurst has reminded residents that prop-  administration fee and a 1 percent, per
        erty tax payments are due no later than.  month interest fee, Hurst reminded tax-
        Feb. 28.                             payers.
           Both summer and winter tax bills for  For more information, call the clerk's
        2022 can be paid at her office at    office at (734) 256-4417 or access treasur-
        Sumpter Township Hall until 5 p.m. Feb.
        28. After that date, taxes must be paid at  Sumpter Township Hall is located at
        the office of the Wayne County       23480 Sumpter Road Belleville, MI
        Treasurer in Detroit. Payments to the  48111.
        Police urge drivers to

        keep vehicles locked

           Sumpter Township police issued a  ship. Officials reminded residents to
        warning to residents last week regard-  lock their vehicles and take all valu-
        ing an increase in thefts from parked  ables with them when leaving the car or  Meet the champions
        vehicles.                            truck.                                     The Romulus High School Wrestling Team won the district championship at the
           In an electronic post, police officials  Residents were urged to call (734)  Western Wayne Athletic Conference League Championships last week. Three
        said the department had responded to  461-6898 to report suspicious activity in  first year wrestlers won medals and Kourtlan Oliver continued his dominance win-
        the increase in thefts in the manufac-  their neighborhoods. For emergency      ning the league championship. The Eagles All-League championship wrestlers
        tured home community in the town-    service, dial 9-1-1                        include:106 - Amin Nesmith 4th place; 157 - Zerrick Thomas 3rd place; 165 -
                                                                                        Sterling Frye 3rd place; 175 - Kourtlan Oliver-League Champion and 215 -
                                                                                        Damon Brooks 3rd place.
                      To subscribe to The Eagle visit

                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                                  MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW

                Tuesday, March 7th, 2023     4:30 PM Organizational Meeting
                Monday, March 13th, 2023     1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Appointments
                Wednesday, March 15th , 2023   9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointments
         All hearings are by appointment only and must be accompanied by a petition form.  Please call one of the numbers below for an
         appointment.  Petitions are available at the Sumpter Township Supervisors Office or download a petition for at www.michi- click on forms: type in form number L-4035.
         Written appeals are accepted as well and must be accompanied by a petition form and received in the assessing department by
         Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 12:00 pm.  No postmarks are accepted.  Mail petitions to:  Sumpter Township Board of Review
         23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111.
         Hardship/poverty exemptions are accepted as well.  Please call the assessing department for more information on this exemption.
         Any questions regarding the Board of Review, contact the Supervisor's Office at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2229, or the Assessing
         Department, Tuesdays & Thursdays at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2236.
         Publish:  February 16th, February 23rd, March 2nd

         Esther Hurst
         Sumpter Township                                             ST0140 - 02 16 23  2.5 x 3.969

                                  CITY OF ROMULUS
                               2023 BOARD OF REVIEW
         To the taxpayers of the City of Romulus: The Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City Hall,
         Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on the following dates and times by
         APPOINTMENT ONLY for the purpose of reviewing the assessment roll. Please come prepared,
         as a ten (10) minute time limit before the Board will be strictly adhered to.

                March 13, 2023:              9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
                March 14, 2023:              6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
                March 15, 2023:              1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

         Residents and Non-Residents may appeal by (1) making an appointment to appear before the Board
         OR (2) in writing (personal appearance is not required).  The Board of Review MUST receive all
         written appeals/documentation no later than March 15, 2023 at 4:00 pm.
         Property owners may appoint and authorize a representative to appear on their behalf.  According to
         Ordinance, all Representatives or Agents MUST submit an original, notarized, current proof of
         authorization to act on behalf of the property owner as a prerequisite to appeal to the Board of
         To schedule an appointment to appeal to the March Board of Review, please call the City of Romulus
         Department of Assessment at 734. 942.7520.
         For the purpose of addressing clerical errors, mutual mistakes of fact, poverty exemptions, veteran's
         exemptions, and principal residence exemptions, the Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City
         Hall, Council Office, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on:

                July 18, 2023:                      9:30 am
                December 12, 2023:                  9:30 am

         All Board of Review meetings are open meetings in compliance with the “Open Meetings Act”.

         Publish:      02/16/2023
                       03/02/2023                                     RM0713 - 021623  2.5 x 5.656
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