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Pet Show is Saturday
As they have done for decades,
the Plymouth-Canton Optimist
Club will sponsor the Pet Show at
9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7 on the
Kellogg Park Stage.There is no
entry fee or admission fee for the
event. No pre-registration is
Ron Schmyr, in brown apron, and his family members are veterans of the chick-
en barbeque grills. required.
This year there will be a pet
recalled, “so coming to Plymouth was is just a very special community and I parade around the park just prior
an explosion of senses.” am very proud to be a part of it. I sim- to the show. Following the judging,
He subsequently met his wife Julie ply can't phrase it any other way, this is Optimist International President
when she was in the 5th grade and he just a love affair with Plymouth,” he Tracy Huxley, a Certified
in 7th and after their graduations they said. Professional Dog Trainer and a
married and made their home in After 15 years, Schmyr will be back Certified Trick Dog Instructor, will
Plymouth where they raised their fami- in his spot this year, manning the grill offer a training session for $10 to
ly. from about 8 in the morning until 4 in benefit the Humane Society.
“There is no other way to say it, this the afternoon on Sunday.