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Fall Festival president hopes to match huge crowds of 2023
A year of planning, phone calls, handled before the festival opens.
negotiations, meetings and some “It's a big responsibility,” she said,
stressful issues will pay off for Andrea “but I love it.” Gerber said she hopes
Gerber and the members of the Fall the event will continue to help all the
Festival board this weekend when civic groups who participate.
thousands of visitors will fill down- The four-person Fall Festival Board
town Plymouth during the 68th annual begins planning for the next festival
Plymouth event. the day after the current one closes.
Gerber, president of the Fall The entire committee, which includes
Festival board, is managing the event a representative of every charity group
for the second time. She said she was involved, meets formally four times a
surprised by the numbers provided by year, Gerber said, but obviously, the
an independent company which closer Fall Festival weekend comes,
reported nearly 85,000 visitors during the more time and involvement
the Saturday of the festival last year. becomes necessary among the board
“It was the busiest day in the city,” members to ensure every detail is
Gerber said. “We had our very best addressed.
year last year and all the non-profits “There really is a close-knit core
who depend on this event as their group of prominent people, volun-
main fundraiser did very well.” teers, public officials, business leaders
Gerber served as a long-time Fall and members of service clubs that
Festival committee member prior to keep this festival going,” Gerber said. Fall Festival President Andrea Gerber
becoming president. She said she was She added that many civic leaders and
well versed in the hundreds of details with the Plymouth Canton Little
necessary to ensure the event is a suc- ” League. Her sons' love of baseball
cess. We had our prompted Gerber's initial involvement
“It really is like a well-oiled on the Fall Festival committee while
machine,” Gerber said. “We don't rein- very best year she organized the Bingo event which
vent it, because it works. Every year last year and all is a fundraiser for the young ballplay-
we try to adjust and improve some ers.
things, but the festival works well and the non-profits Fundraising and volunteer work
there is no need to change most who depend on are integral with Gerber who now
things.” works with an Ann Arbor non-profit,
Of course, she said, there are this event as their main Ele's Place, which works with children
always some adjustments, however, as fundraiser did very well. who have lost a parent. She said her
the event continues to grow in popu- work there is very rewarding. “It's
larity and is now the most well attend- something I love to do,” she said.
ed in the city. “Last year, was one of the strongest
In addition to the increased crowds, officials can be found quietly volun- ever for the festival,” she said. Her
exhibitors and attractions increase, teering at various jobs during the only concern this year, she said, is
and more space is needed, prompting event. Mother Nature. “We had beautiful
Gerber and the committee members to Gerber and her husband, Randy, weather last year, which helped us,”
put their organizational skills to use have lived in Plymouth since 2009 with she said. “We hope that continues this
solving the myriad of issues that need their two sons, who are both involved year.”