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Live entertainment at party tent benefits Vietnam veterans
What began 10 years ago as a small enormous tent that fills a huge portion something to the festival and bring
gathering for adults during the Fall of the rear parking lot. The tent, something to the community and we'll
Festival has grown into one of the most Agostini said with a laugh, got bigger keep doing it while it's a good time,”
popular and highly anticipated parties every year until they have just about Agostini said. Now, he said, the wait-
of the year. maxed out the space available. staff enjoys working in the tent, the
The Party Tent behind E.G. Nick's This year on Friday night the tent bands have a good time and the $5
restaurant started as an effort to pro- will also feature a 360-degree photo cover charge is donated to the local
vide some entertainment and relax- booth for visitors. The photos will be Vietnam Veterans group.
ation for the older than 21 crowd dur- free, Agostini said, and will download That cover charge has proven to be
ing the festival weekend. E.G. Nick's immediately to users' phones, rather another asset for the tent with audi-
owners, Frank Agostini and Tony Belli, than be printed. ences happy to donate the $5 and often
thought a little live music with some “We just thought it would be some- more at the door, knowing where the
beer and wine service might be fun for thing fun to add,” he said. “The photos money is going. “Every bit goes to the
the older crowd and the first 'beer tent' have the E.G. Nick's logo and Fall vets,” Agostini said.
went up in the rear parking lot. Festival 2024 down in the corner. It Bob Dew, president of the group
The two had no idea just how popu- should be fun,” he added.” agrees. “We see people dropping $20
lar their idea would become. Now Agostini agreed that he and Belli bills or more into the canisters,” Dew
called the Party Tent, the live music had no idea the tent would become so said. “This brings about $3,000 or more
attracts huge crowds on both Friday popular but they will continue to host to our group over the weekend, and it
and Saturday nights during the festival. the party every year while it remains all goes to help veterans.”
Beer and wine service is available fun. “We think these guys deserve all the
along with some mixed drinks in an “We started it to have fun, to add help we can give them,” Agostini said.
Power Play Detroit will take to the Party Tent stage from 8 p.m. until midnight Friday during the Fall Festival.