Page 7 - CNLF2024
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       Relax Tents will also be available on the  and LEGO Station provided by  updates during the three-day festival.
       north and south side of Heritage Park,  MichLUG  (Michigan  LEGO  Users  Event organizers strongly discourage
       which will be a safe space for those with  Group). In addition, Canton Lions Club  visitors from bringing pets onto festival
       sensory challenges in which to rest.  members will be offering simple, free  grounds. However, dogs that attend the
       Parent Tents, will be available to serve  children's eye screenings during the fes-  festival must remain on a leash, be
       as changing or feeding tents with furni-  tival, as part of their Lions KidSight  under their owner's control, and be on
       ture sponsored by IKEA.            USA, which is a nationwide program.   their best behavior at all times. Festival-
         The Liberty Fest Marketplace will be  The Canton Liberty Fest mobile app  goers are reminded that all bikes must
       open from 4 p.m. until dusk on Friday  for Apple and Android users will also be  be parked in a bike corral. In addition, a
       and from 11 a.m. until dusk on Saturday  available prior to the event. Here festi-  convenient Uber, Lyft, or parent drop-
       and will feature merchandise from local  val-goers will be able to access every-  off/pick-off spot has been designated on
       artisans, crafters, businesses, and ven-  thing about the event, including enter-  Civic Center Boulevard in front of the
       dors. Booths will be set up around the  tainment schedules and performer  Canton Public Library's main parking
       large pond.                        information, Carnival Zone information  lot.  For  more  information,  visit
         Other returning Liberty Fest attrac-  and festival food and drink information. or call( 73)
       tions include the Scholastic Book Fair  Users will also receive news and  394-5360.
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