Page 12 - CNLF2024
P. 12


       Liberty Fest includes Juneteenth celebration

         Saturday, June 15, will mark a spe-  5:30 p.m. Joining Hudak for the formal  In the 20th century, as African
       cial celebration of liberty as the  initiation of the celebration will be rep-  Americans from Texas and neighbor-
       Juneteenth holiday takes center stage  resentatives  of  Jack and Jill of  ing states spread throughout the coun-
       in the Heritage Park Amphitheater  America, Incorporated-Ypsilanti MI  try, so too did Juneteenth celebrations.
       during the Canton Liberty Fest set for  Chapter, co-sponsors of the event.  In 1980, Texas became the first to make
       June 13, 14 and 15 this year in Heritage  The Juneteenth holiday commemo-  it a state holiday. Shortly thereafter,
       Park.                              rates the day in 1865 when 250,000  other states followed suit, along with
         Juneteenth has become the most   slaves in the state of Texas were   organizations and businesses across
       well-known celebration for the ending  declared free by the United States  the nation hosting events and educa-
       of slavery in the United States and  Army.                             tional opportunities dedicated to com-
       viewed by some as America's second   Juneteenth, however, did not      memorating the significance of this
       Independence Day. During Liberty   change the lives of slaves overnight  day. In 2021, the day became a national
       Fest, the celebration will begin with a  and is considered the beginning of the  holiday.
       performance by the Detroit Social  struggle for freedom for many. As soon  Following the official welcome from
       Club Band from 3:30 until 4:30 p.m.  as the following year, local festivities  graham-Hudak Saturday afternoon,
       and DJZ Light will then spin musical  were organized in African American  audience members can learn the basic
       favorites until the official welcome by  communities to celebrate and remem-  moves of The Hustle that will make
       Canton Township Supervisor Anne    ber the significance of June 19. The  them look like a pro on the dance floor
       Marie Graham-Hudak set for 5 until  celebrations continued year after year.  just before the Jack and Jill of America
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