Page 6 - CNLF2024
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       Liberty from page 5                                                      Other Festival highlights include:
                                                                              Canton Club 55+'s annual Liberty Fest
       such as: Indian, Chinese, Polynesian,                                  Picnic for seniors on from 5 until 6 p.m.
       Mongolian, Japanese, and others.                                       on Thursday which will take place next
         In addition, festival-goers can experi-                              to the "Schoolcraft College LIVE! Stage"
       ence the Whoa Silent Disco from 7:30                                   near the North Pavilions. Participants
       until 10 p.m. at the Schoolcraft College                               will enjoy a picnic style meal - all for
       LIVE Stage, with help from wireless                                    just $15 for Canton residents or $17 for
       headphones. Saturday Amphitheater                                      non-residents. BINGO will also be
       Stage highlights include a special                                     included with some great prizes.
       Juneteenth Community Celebration,                                        Hydration stations will be available
       presented by Canton Township and Jack                                  throughout the park giving festival-goers
       and Jill of America Incorporated -                                     a chance to cool off and organizers have
       Ypsilanti,  Chapter. This special cele-                                suggested visitors bring a refillable
       bration is sponsored by WeatherGard.                                   water bottle.
       Highlights of the stage program include:                                 Walk on the Wild Side, featuring
       a performance by the Detroit Social                                    Oasis Animals will be available all day
       Club Band from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and a  demonstration from 5:30-6:30 p.m.,  Friday and Saturday to provide visitors
       welcome by Canton Supervisor Anne  Gospel music at 7 p.m. and a special  of all ages a chance to get up close and
       Marie Graham-Hudak at 5 p.m.       performance by Larry Lee & the Back  personal with some barnyard and exotic
         Juneteenth Celebration performanc-  in the Day Band that will close out the  animals.
       es include: a "Learn How to Hustle"  night from 8-10 p.m.                KultureCity sensory-friendly Rest &
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