Page 5 - CNLF2024
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       Liberty  Fest  fireworks  display.                                     running-theme awards will be handed
       Sponsored by Michigan Army National                                    out to the best "Red, White, and Blue"
       Guard. The fireworks display will take                                 running outfit.
       place just after dark on Friday, with a                                  Added to the festival this year is
       rain date on Saturday, organizers said.                                Family Fun Day, sponsored by Trinity
         Starting as early as 6 p.m. on Friday,                               Health IHA Medical Group, set for the
       June 14, Veterans Way, Heritage Drive,                                 Fun Zone on the north side of the park
       and Summit Parkway near Heritage                                       from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The
       Park will be closed to vehicular traffic.                              event will offer free activities and give-
         Saturday highlights include the 27th                                 a-ways for the entire family. Visit canton-
       Annual Canton Lions Club's Pancake                            for complete details.
       Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. at the North                                    Additional Saturday Schoolcraft
       Pavilion. Chris Cakes of Michigan                                      College LIVE! Stage entertainment
       returns to flip pancakes high onto plates                              highlights include: The International
       for those brave enough to catch them. In                               Festival cultural performances and dis-
       addition, a variety of fun characters will                             plays beginning at 11:30 a.m. and contin-
       also be on hand from 9 until 11 a.m. to                                uing most of the day. The event is pre-
       add to the fun.                    Participants are encouraged to register  sented by the Canton Commission for
         Canton Leisure Services is again  at and run,  Culture, Arts, and Heritage, and will fea-
       joining forces with Running Fit to host  walk, or stroll in these events.  ture cultures from around the world,
       the 10th Annual Liberty Run, including  Participants will also receive finisher
       5K, 10K, and One Mile events.      medals, as well as a race T-Shirt. Plus,           See Liberty, page 6
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