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Community celebration

         31st Annual Liberty Fest includes rides, games, food and entertainment

            Visitors to Canton's 31st Annual                                 tive line-up that includes: Famous
         Liberty Fest are in store for plenty of         ”                   Hamburger; Hanky Panky Donuts;
         family-friendly activities June 13-15,  The Canton Liberty Fest, will  Impasto; The Indian Express; KG's
         as Heritage Park comes alive with live  take place from 1 until 10 p.m.  African-American Caribbean Food;
         music and entertainment, exciting                                   Smokehouse 52 BBQ and several oth-
         carnival rides and Midway games, arts  Thursday, June 13, from      ers. Food trucks will be available from
         and crafts, festival food, and a Beer  1 p.m. until 11 Friday, June 14  4 until 10 p.m. Thursday, June 13, from
         Garden, as well as the Annual Liberty                               1 until 11 p.m. Friday, June 14 and
         Run, a special Juneteenth Community  and from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.  from noon until 10 p.m. Saturday, June
         Celebration and Friday night fire-  Saturday, June 15 in Heritage   15. Participating concessions include:
         works.                                                              Carvel Ice Cream; Different Twist;
            Canton Liberty Fest, presented by  Park, located adjacent        Hazel Coffee Co.; Kona Ice; J & J
         Neehee's and Pizzawala's, will take        to the Canton            Concessions; Meltdown Creamery
         place from 1 until 10 p.m. Thursday,                                and others.
         June 13, from 1 p.m. until 11 Friday,  Administration Building.       The Canton Township Partnership
         June 14 and from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.                              for the Arts and Humanities will be
         Saturday, June 15 in Heritage Park,  Thursday, June 13. Carnival rides and  hosting a Beer Garden, sponsored by
         located  adjacent  to  the  Canton  midway games, lights, and music will  West Side Beer Distributing, from 4
         Administration Building. Additional  be turned off for festival-goers who  until 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday and
         major sponsors of the community   are sensitive to large crowds and cer-  from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. Saturday.
         event, include: Schoolcraft College,  tain stimuli.                 Visitors can cool off with a cold bever-
         Trinity Health IHA Medical Group,   Carnival rides, games and attrac-  age near the Amphitheater, where a
         Michigan Army National Guard, and  tions will be joined by concession  selection of craft beers, domestic
         WeatherGard.                      stands and gourmet food trucks offer-  beers, and seltzers will be available.
            As always, admission to the week-  ing traditional festival foods, special  Volunteer support at the Beer
         end celebration is free. This year,  dishes, beverages, and snacks. A spe-  Garden will be provided by members
         organizers have scheduled special  cial area of food trucks will be located
         sensory hours from 1 until 3 p.m.  near the Amphitheater, with a tenta-          See Liberty, page 4
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