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SCHOLARSHIPS from page 7

       assisting those who face unique or
       special challenges, the Rotary Club
       of Plymouth A.M. Scholarship pro-
       gram seeks to recognize and
       encourage high school graduates
       who have overcome real challenges
       in their quest for an education.
         Of course, the ability to succeed
       academically matters, but the Club   2018 Rotary A.M. Scholarship winners with their friends and family members
       is equally concerned with a stu-             and Ted Barker, Chair of the Club's Scholarship Committee.
       dent's demonstrated ability to per-  Following your heart; Persevering in  are Starkweather's Amber Bell, who
       severe and succeed despite various  the face of adversity; Standing up  enrolled at Eastern Michigan
       obstacles. These scholarships are  for what is right; Expanding your   University; Carly Conrad, Talib
       intended for individuals who have  horizons; Letting go of the familiar  Haroon, Alyssa Garland, and Zach
       displayed courage, spirit, and cre-  and Facing suffering with dignity or  Theisen,  all  students  from
       ativity in order to graduate from high  faith.                         Starkweather who are enrolled at
       school and be accepted into college  Barker praised the recipients for  Schoolcraft College; and a pair of
       or a trade school.                 their grit, determination, and      students from Salem High School,
         Ted Barker, Rotary Club of       courage in pursuing this achieve-   Rachel Morrison and Regan Thorp.
       Plymouth A.M. member and a         ment -- and as always, the students  Morrison enrolled at Schoolcraft
       Plymouth-Canton       Community    stole the show with heartfelt stories  College, and Thorp began her fresh-
       Schools graduate himself, used the  about their lives, their perseverance,  man year at Eastern Michigan
       event to passionately remind these  and what this scholarship meant to  University.
       amazing young people about the     them as they concluded their high     Congratulations to the 2018
       Six Attributes of Courage: Feeling  school experiences.                Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
       fear, yet still choosing to act;     This year's scholarship recipients  Scholars!  You inspire us!

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