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Food Assistance program.  Food dis-                    Being an Inspiration…
       tribution takes place on the third            For our annual scholarship recipients
       Thursday of each month at St.
       Kenneth's Parish Hall, located at      “When people tell you not to    has the privilege of recognizing sev-
       14951 N. Haggerty Road in Plymouth.  believe in your dreams, and they  eral young adults who have truly tri-
       Families, seniors and those who are  ask, Why.. say Why Not?”          umphed over adversity in order to
       unemployed can qualify for assis-    This quote is most fitting for the  graduate high school.
       tance and receive food from The    students who received the 2018        Consistent with our focus on
       Emergency Food Assistance Program  Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
       (TEFAP) of Wayne County.           Scholarships. Every year the Club        See SCHOLARSHIPS, page 8
         The food distributed is healthy.
       Recipes and suggested meal plans
       are included with the food in order to
       help people use the produce they
       receive wisely and economically.
         The Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
       helps with food packaging and distri-
       bution with the United Way.   If you or
       someone you know could benefit
       from this program, you can obtain
       more information by visiting the
       United Way of Plymouth.  For income
       eligibility guidelines, general informa-
       tion or questions please visit:  or con-
       tact Erica Garbacz at 734-453-6879 or
       via email at Erica.garbacz@pcuw.                              Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M. members and 2018 Scholarship Recipients

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