Page 8 - rotary2019proof
P. 8

PARTNER from page 5

       Way, at any given meeting more than
       20 non-profit organizations are repre-
       sented.  Gathering around a very
       large table at St. John Neumann's,
       each member representative has an
       opportunity to report on their activi-
       ties of the past month and to point
       out areas of immediate or anticipated
         A member of the Rotary Club of
       Plymouth A.M. regularly attends
       these meetings.  For us, it is an
       opportunity to learn of opportunities
       to be of service to others.  From time
       to time and as needs arise, we are
       able to support various organizations      Rotary Super Friend Jen Christie with Rotarians Barb Sobotta,
       within the collaborative with hands-      Dick Schmidt and Jeanne Knopf-DeRoche packaging for TEFAP.
       on labor.  These are some of our best                  Being an Inspiration…
       times in Rotary: working elbow to
       elbow to help others.                    United Way and Rotary helping those in need
          Thanks to the Collaborative, one  Did you know the food insecurity  helps to address these needs by sup-
       such program with which we have    rate in Wayne County is over 20%?   porting food banks and food distribu-
       become familiar and involved this  That means that nearly one fifth of the  tion centers to help address hunger in
       past year is TEFAP, The Emergency  population in our county lacks enough  our local communities.
       Food Assistance Program of Wayne   food for an active and healthy life. The  In the Plymouth community, our
       County.  (See related story.)      Emergency Food Assistance Program   local United Way operates a certified

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