Page 18 - ff2019
P. 18

Page 18

       Marching to a different drum

       Plymouth Fife & Drum Corps travels country celebrating history

         Among the traditions at the Plymouth
       Fall Festival is the tempting aroma of
       sweet-selling roasted almonds wafting
       from the booth manned by members of
       the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps.
         Again this year, the renowned group
       will be selling the treats to help fund
       their performances throughout the area
       and the country. The Plymouth Fife and
       Drum Corps is an all-youth marching
       musical group comprising students rang-
       ing in age from 12-18.  Founded in 1971,
       the Fife and Drum Corps has become a  The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps traveled to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
       staple in the rich history of Plymouth  home this year.
       and the members represent the commu-  Yorktown Battlefield and American  munity and proudly represent their
       nity when they travel across the country  Revolution Museum of Yorktown.  hometown of Plymouth.
       to perform.                          This educational tour is the highlight  The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps
         Every summer, the corps members  of the corps performance season, and  travels many miles each year perform-
       take an educational tour of the eastern  the members work all year to prepare  ing in numerous parades, historical and
       United States, performing at many his-  for it.  The tour of historic and solemn  patriotic celebrations, concerts, and
       toric sites.  The group just returned from  sights in Virginia and Washington D.C.  other civic events in Plymouth, the State
       Virginia and Washington D.C., perform-  this year was described as a unique  of Michigan, and the United States.  The
       ing at George Washington's Mount   learning opportunity for corps members.  Corps performs in the Plymouth Good
       Vernon, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello,  The teens practice Monday evening  Morning America Parade on the Fourth
       and James Monroe's Highland.  The  at Salem High School beginning in   of July, in downtown Plymouth at
       corps members also met with the U.S.  January, marching as a group and in sep-  Kellogg Park and at the Plymouth Fall
       Army's Fife and Drum Corps, the Old  arate sectionals for each instrument -  Festival.  More information about the
       Guard, and viewed one of their military  fifes, drums and guard.  The corps pre-  Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps, includ-
       practices and played with their fifes and  pares a special routine each year which  ing videos, pictures, and a calendar of
       drums corps. The musicians also visited  is performed at each of the performance  events, can be seen  on Facebook
       Arlington National Cemetery and laid a  sites on the tour. Corps members not
       wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown  only learn about American history at  The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps
       Soldier, and capped off the tour in  each performance site, but they also  almond booth will be open all weekend
       Yorktown, VA, with performances at the  interact with members of the local com-  during regular festival hours.
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