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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 29, 2022

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Inkster accepting recreation plan comments

           City of Inkster officials want to  preparing  the  Five-Year  mal business hours at City Hall,                       ”
        hear what residents of the com-  Recreation Plan in accordance  located at 26215 Trowbridge,
        munity would like to see as    with the Michigan Department of  Inkster. The draft plan may also            Copies of the draft Five-Year
        recreational opportunities.    Natural Resources (MDNR)       be accessed at
           Officials are currently compil-  requirements. When completed,                            Parks and Recreation Plan
        ing data for preparation of the  this plan will serve as a guide for  Inkster residents and stake-         are available for review during
        Five-Year Parks and Recreation  the development of community  holders are asked to submit their
        Master Plan and have scheduled  recreation facilities and pro-  comments in writing to the atten-        normal business hours at City Hall.
        a public review period which   grams during the next five years,  tion of the City of Inkster
        will continue through Dec. 30.  officials said.               Planning Department, 26215
           The required 30-day public    Copies of the draft Five-Year  Trowbridge, Inkster, Michigan,  planner at  Responders should reference
        review and comment period      Parks and Recreation Plan are  48141. Persons may also e-mail  Comments will be received    "Parks and Recreation Master
        began Dec. 1. Inkster officials are  available for review during nor-  comments to Brigitte Smith,  through noon, Monday, Jan. 2.  Plan" in all correspondence.

                                                                                                                              9-year-old arrested

                                                                                                                              in classmate stabbing

                                                                                                                                Parents in Westland received a let-
                                                                                                                              ter from administrators in the Wayne
                                                                                                                              Westland Community Schools District
                                                                                                                              last week advising them of a knife
                                                                                                                              attack at a school bus stop the morning
                                                                                                                              of Dec. 22.
                                                                                                                                The two students involved were 9
                                                                                                                              and 10 years old, according to police
                                                                                                                              reports of the incident.
                                                                                                                                The 9-year-old was arrested by
                                                                                                                              police and taken to the Westland
                                                                                                                              Police Department, according to
                                                                                                                              reports. The 10-year-old was taken to a
                                                                                                                              nearby hospital for treatment of head
           On the move                                                                                                        and knee injuries inflicted by a pock-
           Westland police officers Derek Gomez                                                                                 The altercation took place as the
           and Kevin Smith were each sworn into                                                                               two   students   at   Schweitzer
           their new ranks as sergeants with the                                                                              Elementary School were waiting for
           department during ceremonies last                                                                                  the bus to transport them to their
           week. The department also welcomed                                                                                 fourth-grade classes.
           two new officers, Kailey Knoppe and                                                                                  Police said the parents of the 9-
           Summer Dyer. The department also                                                                                   year-old were interviewed along with
           officially recognized retiring Sgt. Erick                                                                          the student at the police station. The
           Rodriguez and Sgt. Tim Liess for their                                                                             findings of the police investigation will
           years of exemplary and dedicated
           service to the community. “We wel-                                                                                 be submitted to the office of the Wayne
           come and thank these officers for serv-                                                                            County Juvenile Division, officers said.
           ing our community and joining the                                                                                    Neither school officials nor police
           Westland Police Department, which                                                                                  released any further information
           has nearly 56 years of tradition and a                                                                             regarding the incident.
           proud history that has had over 300                                                                                  “The safety of students and staff is
           different men and women that have                                                                                  our first priority and we are commit-
           taken the oath to serve and protect our                                                                            ted to the safety and education of all
           community,” officials said during the                                                                              our students,” district officials said in
           celebration.                                                                                                       a letter to parents regarding the inci-
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