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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 29, 2022


        Merry Christmas

        Supporter funds special holiday party,

        gifts for B.L.O.C.K. youth and teens

           Christmas came a little early for partici-  cialist.
        pants of The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen   “This holiday celebration was an enor-
        Center Canton Connects Youth and Teen  mous success thanks to the big-heartedness
        program this year.                     of the generous donors who helped make
           The teens were treated to a holiday cel-  this event happen,” Straub said. “The
        ebration, where each member received a  B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center is grate-
        gift donated by Maraschinos Pub of Canton  ful for the generous support we've received
        earlier this month. During the celebration  from Maraschinos Pub throughout the year,
        participants also enjoyed pizza, provided  but especially now since these latest dona-
        by an anonymous donor, while listening to  tions enabled every student in the Canton
        music supplied by RC DJ and Video      Connects program to receive these gifts to  Canton Connects participants received Beats® wireless headphones and
        Productions.                           help brighten their holiday season.”   Squishmallows® plush toys donated Maraschinos Pub during an early holiday cele-
           To help make all of the Canton Connects  The Canton Connects programs are free  bration this month.
        participants' holiday even sweeter,    afterschool programs for qualifying chil-
        Maraschinos Pub gave Beats® wireless   dren ages 5-17 within the Canton communi-  through June for art classes, cooking class-  Administration Building at 1150 S. Canton
        headphones     to  the   teens   and   ty. Throughout the year, Canton Youth  es, tutoring, and more.  All Canton  Center Road in Canton, MI, provides a
        Squishmallows® plush toys to the elemen-  Connection participants meet for activities,  Connects participants are provided with  teen-friendly environment where students
        tary age attendees. Maraschinos Pub sup-  crafts, and field trips, administrators said.  enrichment programming that teaches the  from ages 11-17 can participant in super-
        ports numerous Canton Leisure Services  In addition, some individuals also partici-  importance of lifelong fitness and healthy  vised afterschool programs, social events,
        programs throughout the year in addition  pate in free swim lessons at the Summit on  lifestyles, as well as guidance on how to  and activities. For more information about
        to the Canton Connects program, including  the Park.                         work with others and the ability to work out  Canton Youth Connection or The
        Hot Meal Mondays, The B.L.O.C.K.'s       Canton Teen Connection meets at The  conflicts, and more, organizers added.   B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center, visit
        Afterschool program, and more, according  B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center Monday,  The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center, or call (734) 398-
        to Chelsea Straub, Canton recreation spe-  Wednesday, and Friday from October  located on the third floor of the Canton  5570.

                                                                                     Free workshops are offered

                                                                                       Canton Township Leisure Services is cur-  self-care plans on a variety of topics.”
                                                                                     rently offering a free series of mental health  These workshops are free and open to
                                                                                     workshops to help area residents learn  everyone meeting the age limit, with no resi-
                                                                                     important self-care skills.                          dency requirement. All
                                                                                     Participants in the Family         ”                 sessions will take place at
                                                                                     First and Social Services                            the Summit on the Park
                                                                                     Workshops will receive          All sessions         Banquet Center, located at
                                                                                     information and be intro-                            46000 Summit Parkway.
                                                                                     duced to practices that    will take place at the      Scheduled workshops
                                                                                     support mental well-being,  Summit on the Park.      include: Suicide TALK:
           Happy shoppers                                                            according   to  Laura                                Tuesday, Jan. 17 from 5:30-
                                                                                                                                          7:30 p.m. (Ages 16 and up);
                                                                                     Mortier, Canton recreation
           Members of the Canton Township Fire Department teamed up with Meijer again  supervisor.                                        QPR Training for Suicide
           this year to host the annual Shop with a Firefighter event. This annual event is a  “Our goal with these                       Prevention: Tuesday, Jan.
           tradition that brings holiday happiness to families throughout the township as  free workshops is to offer resources, as well  24 from 6-8 p.m. (Ages 16 and up) and
           youngsters shop for holiday gifts for family members, all funded by donations.  as educational opportunities, so that individ-  Understanding and Supporting Change:
           The event, a spokesman said, "has become fulfilling and rewarding for the fire-  uals can find tools of support for themselves  Monday, Feb. 6 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
           fighters as it brings joy and smiles to the faces of all of those involved." The dona-  or ways to help support others,” said Mortier.  For additional information and to regis-
           tion drive and shopping trip is organized by the Canton Firefighters Charity  “These unique opportunities are designed to  ter for these and other free workshops, visit
           Foundation.                                                               show and help participants learn how to or call (734) 394-
                                                                                     nurture themselves and develop mindful  5460.
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