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December 29, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE
                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE

        Township welcomes latest Amazon Fresh market

           Shopping for groceries will be  cery shopping can use a cart and                      ”                                 planned in Michigan, according
        a futuristic experience at the  check out with a cashier using                                                             to business reports.
        planned Amazon Fresh grocery   cash or credit. For those seeking    Even more independent shopping is provided               Heise said that he and other
        store in Plymouth Township.    a more futuristic approach, the            with the Just Walk Out technology.               township officials approved the
           Last   week,    Plymouth    store provides Dash Carts and                                                               plans for the new market which
        Township Supervisor Kurt Heise  shoppers use the QR code on the                                                            is located near the new $90 mil-
        confirmed that the new retail  Amazon app. Sensors track items                                                             lion Henry Ford Hospital facility
        store under construction at the  placed in or removed from the                                                             on Ann Arbor Road near
        corner of Ann Arbor and        cart which also has a built-in  ping is provided with the Just  According to the Amazon     Haggerty.
        Haggerty roads will be an      scale and screen so shoppers can  Walk Out technology, the main  Fresh website, the stores offer  “We are hoping that Amazon
        Amazon Fresh market. While the  review purchases. When shop-  objective of Amazon Fresh stores  sales, order ahead for pickup  Fresh is going to tap into this pro-
        new technology may not appeal  ping is complete, patrons simply  for seamless shopping. Shoppers  service and other items in addi-  fessional and affluent clientele
        to everyone, the 40 Amazon     exit through the Amazon Dash   enter the store by scanning a QR  tion to groceries.         that are going to be working and
        Fresh locations in the country  Cart Lane and the card linked to  code on the Amazon App using  Another Amazon Fresh is    living in the Ann Arbor Road and
        are flourishing.  To shop at   shopper's Amazon account is    their phone, connected to an  reportedly opening in Dearborn  Haggerty corridor,” Heise said.
        Amazon Fresh, patrons will need  charged. Receipts are emailed to  Amazon account or credit card  at the same time as the Plymouth  The construction is under way
        the Amazon app on a phone.     customers.                     which allows shoppers to skip  Township location is operational.  next to the LA Fitness which
        Those seeking traditional gro-   Even more independent shop-  the checkout line completely.  There are several other locations  anchors the shopping area.
        Plymouth District Library

        awarded prestigious honor

           The Plymouth District Library has   Journal is an important marker that
        joined an elite state group.           demonstrates the value that our commu-
           The Main Street facility in downtown  nity places on public library service," said
        Plymouth has been named a Star Library  Shauna Anderson, library director.
        in the 15th Edition of Library Journal  "Timing for this news is especially exciting
        Index of Public Library Service. The   as the library enters its 100th year serving
        Index rates U.S. public libraries based on  the Plymouth community."
        selected per capita output measures, offi-  View the 2022 Index of Public Library
        cials noted.   The 2022 scores and ratings  Service list of Star libraries for 2022 at
        are based on fiscal year 20 data from the
        Institute of Museum and Library Services  libraries-2022.
        (IMLS) Public Library
        Survey. For 2022-based
        on 2020 data-5,359 public
        libraries received LJ
        Index scores, and 258 of
        them received Stars.
           Only 20 Michigan
        libraries have ever
        received Star designa-
        tions in the index and                                                         Young Santa
        Plymouth      District
        Library is one of only 12                                                      Students at Taft Galloway Elementary School in Wayne had their very own Santa
        libraries in Michigan to                                                       this year when second-grade student Derrick Howard adopted every one of his
        make the list for 2022.                                                        schoolmates for the holiday. To ensure all of his peers received a gift for the holi-
           "In the world of                                                            days, Howard and his mother collected donations, shopped, selected and sorted
        libraries, Star designa-                                                       the gifts and presented each student with an early Christmas present.
        tion   from   Library
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