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December 29, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Grants: Several community projects awarded federal funding

        FROM PAGE 1                    viewing area in this location,                                                              become more fully automated,
                                       overlooking the spillway of the                           ”                                 the technologies driving these
        ground and surfacing, a sledding  Upper Mill Pond built by Henry                                                           changes increase the need for
        hill and warming hut, an environ-  Ford for the Ford Valve Plant,    The Plymouth/Northville/ Northville Township          employees to be technically
        mental and education nature    one of his first Village Industry        Mental Health Police Response Project              adept.
        center, a pond with fishing pier, a  Plants in the 1920s.                                                                    In data-rich industries of sen-
        woodland preserve area, an       The stabilization of the drains      was also granted the requested $135,359.             sors, scanners, information and
        extensive trail system, native  and river embankments will                                                                 data, advancements have
        plantings, and stream restora-  address a safety hazard and an                                                             reduced downtime while
        tion.                          eyesore and will create a serene                                                            increasing quality and productiv-
           Ridge Road Park was         viewing point, benefiting the  departments and Northville    Through the Northville Youth   ity. The Schoolcraft College
        described in the application   many visitors who are attracted  Youth Network to respond with  Network, the clinicians will be  Industry 4.0 initiative will skill
        process as a key resource in the  to this popular, regional destina-  police officers and assist people  available to provide prevention  and upskill workers in transfor-
        community.                     tion, the application noted.   of all ages in mental health  and behavioral health support to  mative technology occupations
           The repair of Northville      The Plymouth/Northville/     crises, as part of the project.   children, adolescents and their  by providing training and cre-
        Randolph Drain Serenity Point  Northville Township Mental       The behavioral health clini-  families who have been referred  dentialed programs in such
        and Riverbank Stabilization    Health Police Response Project  cians will be licensed, master's  to the juvenile diversion program  areas as mechatronics techni-
        Project was granted a $560,000 to  was also granted the requested  level professionals and will pro-  by the police departments,  cians, industrial engineering
        repair a pair of deteriorated  $135,359 for which project offi-  vide crisis intervention and stabi-  according to the application for  technicians, robotics technicians,
        drainage structures that serve  cials applied.                lization, mental health and sub-  funding.                   and supply chain management
        the cities of Northville and Novi.   Funding will be a valuable use  stance abuse assessment, coordi-  In addition, Schoolcraft  production and logistics techni-
           The drains are severely     of taxpayer funds because this is  nation, and referral to treatment  College was granted $1,025,000  cians, according to the applica-
        undermined and have con-       a multi-jurisdictional project  as well as community outreach.   for the Manufacturing &    tion.
        tributed to eroding the banks of  serving three communities, the  In addition to immediate  Engineering Center Project       The Schoolcraft College pro-
        the river and endangering the  application stated.            Mobile Crisis Co-Response, the  Industry 4.0 Training program.   posal to add higher-level certifi-
        stability of Hutton Street, accord-  The funding will be utilized  clinicians will also have the  The application stated that  cations through training on
        ing to the application. In addition  for sustainability and capacity  capacity to provide immediate  the Schoolcraft College Industry  updated and technologically
        to stabilizing the drainage struc-  building for two embedded  telehealth services to support  4.0 Training Initiative is impera-  advanced equipment will lead to
        tures and river embankments,   behavioral health clinicians   officers in the field, when co-  tive to keep the state competitive.  a critically needed right skilled
        the Ford Field Master Plan calls  within the Northville Township,  response is not feasible due to  As manufacturing plants, ware-  and more robust labor force,
        for the development of a scenic  Northville and Plymouth police  safety or geographical issues.  houses and supply chains  applicants stated.
                                                                                     ‘Drill’ draws police response

        Skate                                  support from the community and beyond    The reports of an active threat at  that two men had entered the building
                                               pouring of endorsements and financial
                                               to make this project a reality is so greatly
        FROM PAGE 1                            appreciated and will forever be remem-  Hawthorn Center in Northville last  armed with assault rifles. Law enforce-
                                               bered.”                               week posed no danger to anyone in the  ment responded immediately to the
                                                 “It only makes sense to name it Unity  community or at the center.        threat only to discover that a practice
        along with $83,327 received from the   Skatepark, as it took so many to come    The report was part of an unan-    drill was under way.
        Wayne County Parks millage allocation.  together for the greater good of others,”  nounced safety drill at the facility but  Police stressed that there was no dan-
        The City of Northville has committed   she added. “I am so grateful that Mark  local law enforcement officials were not  ger during the drill and said that the
        $8,123 from the Wayne County Parks     Abbo, the Township Board of Trustees  notified in advance of the drill which  incident was referred to the Michigan
        millage allocation. The balance of     and I are working as a united team to  was conducted to practice intruder   State Police for further investigation
        $359,000 was provided through various  make this skatepark a unique amenity  response protocols at the center.     and follow up.
        supporters and fundraisers hosted by   for all ages to enjoy. Now my vision for  Officers from Northville Township, the  “The Northville Township Police
        the Duhn family and a 501c3            Unity Skatepark is to be a place where  City of Northville, Livonia and troopers  Department would like to thank the City
        Foundation.                            all are welcome with no judgment to   from the Michigan State Police respond-  of Northville Police Department,
           “Dominic’s story touched a lot of peo-  come skate, hang out, laugh and make  ed to multiple 911 calls from the facility  Livonia Police Department and
        ple,” Northville Parks and Recreation  good memories, which is exactly how   on Haggerty Road, reporting an active  Michigan State Police for their assis-
        Director Debra Bilbrey-Honsowetz said.  Dominic lived his life.”             threat incident.                      tance in responding to this incident,”
        “His family and friends came together to  Gustavo Godinez, 21, of Westland was  Callers told police that an announce-  police officials noted in a prepared
        heal, and this project came about as a  sentenced to 2-5 years in prison for leav-  ment broadcast inside the facility stated  statement regarding the incident.
        wonderful way to honor him while giving  ing the accident that killed Duhn. The
        the community a tremendous gift.”      prison time was part of a sentencing
           Groundbreaking will be in the spring  agreement that Third Circuit Judge
        of 2023 with an expected completion by  Catherine Heise imposed during the
        late summertime, officials projected.   Nov. 16, 2021 sentencing hearing.
           “This project started off to honor our  Godinez pleaded no contest months ago
        son, Dominic, and then quickly expand-  to failing to stop at the scene of a serious
        ed into helping our youth with all the  personal injury accident. He was arrest-
        positive benefits skateboarding offers,”  ed after police matched paint chips left
        said Gabriella Duhn, Dominic’s mother  at the scene of the incident to his vehicle
        and champion of this project. “The out-  during their month-long investigation.

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