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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 29, 2022

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Beleaguered head coach resigns from district

           Members of the Van Buren                                                                 with him in his home, a major
        Public Schools Board of                                   ”                                 violation of state high school ath-
        Education approved the  resig-        Crowell was found to have violated the undue          letic rules.
        nation of Belleville High School                                                               Crowell had been coaching at
        head football coach Jermain               influence rule of the state association.          Belleville for eight years and led
        Crowell during their Dec. 5                                                                 the team to the state playoffs
        meeting.                                                                                    every year, a record which
           His resignation, effective Dec.                                                          prompted questions from other
        1, follows weeks of controversy  Athletic Association following an  dent at another school who  high school coaches regarding
        and allegations of improper    investigation of the allegations.  claimed that Crowell contacted  his ability to amass teams of
        recruiting techniques by       Crowell was found to have vio-  him before he entered ninth  superior players at the school of
        Crowell who led the team to    lated the undue influence rule  grade and that Crowell drove  choice high school.
        multiple state championships.  of the state association. Some  him to summer practice sessions  School officials said they
        Crowell was barred from coach-  reports claimed he was fired  and competitions. Additionally,  would be accepting applications
        ing any sport at any school for  from the school district.    investigators claimed that    as they looked for a new coach
        the next two academic years by   The investigation was trig-  Crowell previously had two    for the state championship
        the Michigan High School       gered by a statement from a stu-  Belleville senior players living  team.                                 Jermain Crowell
        Sumpter plans public hearing on recreation project

           Members of the Sumpter      ways, multiple features and a                                                               submitted should include pro-
        Township Parks and Recreation  total reconstruction of the pond.                         ”                                 jected costs for each phase of any
        Committee have scheduled a       Township Manager Anthony                    The public will be asked for                  improvements. Hoppe agreed to
        public hearing regarding the   Burdick referred to the plan as a         opinions and suggestions regarding                include costs with the design pro-
        master plan for recreation. The  complete reclamation of the                                                               posal.
        meeting is set for 6 p.m. Jan. 24  81.82-acre site in the township           the planned improvements.                       The public will be asked for
        and will be part of a regular  during recent discussions of                                                                opinions and suggestions regard-
        workshop session of the board of  potential improvements. The                                                              ing the planned improvements
        trustees.                      plan, as described, would include  ner of Sherwood Road and Wear  trustees Don LaPorte and Matt  and a draft copy of the plan is
           Input on the plans for renova-  the complete redredging of the  Road.                    Oddy had questions regarding   available for review at the town-
        tion and redesign of Banotai   pond with improved amenities     The property was named after  the proposal. LaPorte suggested  ship offices, 23480 Sumpter Road
        Park and Sherwood Pond in the  for public fishing. Township   former Township Supervisor    the township could better invest  in Belleville, the Sumpter
        township will be discussed. A  Supervisor Tim Bowman has      John Sherwood who led the     funding in a new township hall  Township Senior Center at 23501
        current plan, now being designed  been a strong supporter of recre-  township from 1932 until 1942.  which he described as "needed"  Sumpter Road in Belleville and
        by Wayde Hoppe, could include  ation improvements and a         The $28,000 expense for a pre-  and inquired if the board might  online at
        amenities previously discussed  redesign of the park, formerly  liminary design for the property  be "putting the cart before the  Questions regarding the plan
        by members of the board includ-  known as Sherwood Park, which  was approved by members of the  horse" in moving ahead with the  or the meeting can be directed to
        ing new parking, public path-  is located on the northwest cor-  board of trustees, although  design plan. He said any plan  Burdick at (734) 461-6201.

        Romulus residents can now register

        for emergency notification system

           Romulus residents now have another  requested that residents remove all vehi-
        way to communicate with city depart-   cles from the street to allow plow truck
        ments.                                 drivers to do their jobs and allow access
           The Department of Public Works pro-  for emergency vehicles efficiently and
        vides notification of snow emergencies  safely. Vehicles that are left in the street
        through local news outlets, Facebook, the  during a declared snow emergency may
        city cable channel, on the city website  be subject to tickets and even be towed  Best friends
        and as part of the CodeRED emergency   from the location.                       Staff members at the Romulus Animal Shelter accept a holiday donation of ani-
        notification system. Residents can be    Officials urged residents to allow for  mal food and supplies from the employees at the Amazon facility in the city. This
        notified by email or text by signing up for  ample time for DPW crews to catch up  is another in a series of donations the employees have made to the shelter,
        the alert system.                      and clear subdivisions. Once the snow    employees said, and they, along with the dogs and cats awaiting adoption at the
           Officials noted that during a severe  emergency is lifted, vehicles can park  shelter, are very grateful.
        snow event like the one forecast for last  onto streets. Until that time residents
        week, employees from the Department of  must find alternate locations for parking
        Public Works focus on clearing main    as a safety measure.
        roads and main access streets into local  Romulus officials will notify the public          CITY OF ROMULUS
        subdivisions. Once the main roads and  immediately through local news outlets,              PLANNING COMMISSION
        access streets are cleared, DPW efforts  Facebook, cable channel, website and               NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
        will move into secondary streets within  CodeRED emergency notification system              January 18, 2023
        local subdivisions should accumulation  if and when a snow emergency is in
        reach 3 inches or more, or as conditions  effect. To sign up for CodeRED, complete  Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at  7:00 p.m. on
                                                                                      WEDNESDAY, January 18, 2023 for the purpose of considering the following:
        require.                               the    form     at     this    link:
           In the likelihood of a snow emergency
        being declared, DPW officials have     US/2EF236C329EE.                       1. TA-2022-002; Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Article 7, Business Districts and Article
                                                                                         8, Industrial Districts to include overlay standards for the Southern Gateway.
                                                                                      2. TA-2022-003; Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Article 9, Airport District.

                                                                                      The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
                                                                                      Romulus MI  48174-1485.  A copy of the proposed requests are available in the Planning Department
                                                                                      during regular business hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be
                                                                                      addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600  Wayne Road,
                                                                                      Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or at 734-955-4530.
                                                                                      Written comments may be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning Department, 12600
                                                                                      Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or
                                                                                      Publish: December 29, 2022                                   RM0702 - 122922  2.5 x 3.552
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