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Students are ‘engineering’ future careers
Several young women in the with a focus on mathematics and ager, Girls in Engineering
Wayne-Westland schools are engineering courses. ” Academy.
engineering their futures. The 17 Wayne Westland stu- The goal of the program, “In the future, the girls can
The students, 15 in sixth grade dents are enrolled in classes that expect exposure to multiple
and two in seventh grade, are provide math and science a spokesman noted, is to close campuses, including LTU, EMU,
part of the Engineering Society enrichment, engineering and the gender gap in engineering. OU, and CMU, with more in the
of Detroit Girls in Engineering computer science concepts, works. Engineering courses will
Academy, created to improve English/language arts compre- continue from chemical, biomed-
academic achievement and hension, hands-on project-based ical, and electrical engineering
increase interest in engineering STEM activities, mentoring, field and Marathon. They met female “We hope through our pro- courses - all with hands-on proj-
among girls. The goal of the pro- trips to industry, and engineering engineers, learned about their gram the students will be able to ects. Our instructors are all
gram, a spokesman noted, is to career exploration. companies and jobs, and worked determine their passion and STEM college students and pri-
close the gender gap in engineer- The second-year students on an engineering challenge. At interests by high school gradua- marily female to provide our stu-
ing. The first three years of the stayed on the Eastern Michigan Lear, the girls worked in teams to tion and to provide them with dents with role models in their
program are for middle school University campus for the sum- assemble a car seat, learning the skills they need to excel in fields - and to show them girls
students to help prepare them mer where they took classes and about tolerances, efficiency, and their chosen path,” said can work in these fields,” she
academically for high school went on field trips to GM, Lear quality. Alexandra Lofton, program man- said.
Wayne welcomes Santa, Mrs. Claus
with parade, music and fireworks
Santa and Mrs. Claus were the stars of eral other Christmas characters.
the show last week when the City of Participating in the festivities were mem-
Wayne officially welcomed the holiday bers of both the police and fire depart-
visitors to the community during the ments of the city along with Police Chief
annual tree lighting festivities. Ryan Strong and Fire Chief Mike
Hundreds of children and parents Stradtner. Members of the city
were on hand to welcome Santa and Department of Public Works and the
whisper their wishes for Christmas Wayne Downtown Development
morning into his interested ears. Each Authority were also involved in the
child who met with the jolly elf received event.
a gift, courtesy of the city. Making the fes- Hill Crest Bible Church under the Santa was welcomed with a parade, fireworks, hot chocolate and cookies during the
tivities more special were members of direction of Pastor Seth McDonald pro- official tree lighting in the City of Wayne last week.
the All Star Patriots Dance Team under vided the gifts, fireworks, cookies, hot
the direction of Chelsea Crawford who chocolate and assistance in planning and Kubany, Lori Gouin and Ed Queen. Parkside Credit Union, The Wayne
participated in the parade along with securing donations and volunteers for Mayor John Rhaesa and members of the Dispatch,
members of the Wayne Memorial High the event. city council were also on hand and par- The Wayne-Westland Federal Credit
School Zebra Marching Band under the Officials also thanked members of the ticipated in the holiday celebration Union, Fun Food Express and the
direction of Dave Mety. Also on hand Wayne Historical Society and the Wayne which also received support from Kurts Christmas carolers and quartets who
were Buddy the Elf, The Grinch and sev- Historical Commission, Tyler Moll, Lisa Caps which provided the fire pits; provided entertainment.
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