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Cherry Hill gallery to exhibit artworks
The Village Theater at Cherry Hill will p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday from and The Village Theater at Cherry Hill is
exhibit the featured works of artist Janet ” from 4 until 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road in
L. Kondziela in an entitled "The World of from 4 to 8 p.m., during all public perform- Canton.For more information call (734)
Janet," in The Gallery at Cherry Hill This art exhibit at ances or by special appointment arranged 394-5300 or visit www.cantonvillagethe-
through Jan. 3. via email to
Kondziela said she is inspired by the The Gallery at Cherry Hill is free
world around her and her exhibition dis- and open to the public.
plays this through portraits, still lifes, and
landscapes. Kondziela believes "these
days, my interest is in capturing the
essence of a moment, the play of light on a
surface, the beauty of an ordinary object
or the character of a person." ing easel paintings, are held international-
This Dearborn native was encouraged ly in private collections as well as Postal
to pursue a life as an artist at the age of 8 Murals on display at the U.S. Post Office in
after she was given an assignment to paint Detroit and the Postal Service Great
a life-sized portrait of "what we want to be Lakes Area Office in Illinois. She is
when we grew up". At the time, Kondziela presently a member of the Oil Painters of
wanted to be a nun. However, after look- America, the Detroit Society of Women
ing at her finished portrait she recounts, Painters and Sculptors, the Downriver
"when I saw how beautiful the colors Arts Association, and the Northville Art
looked next to each other and what a pure House. In addition, she currently serves as
joy it was to place them on the paper, I president of the Artists' Society of
immediately changed my mind as to my Dearborn.
future, from nun to artist and never looked This art exhibit at The Gallery at
back." Cherry Hill is free and open to the public
A variety of Kondziela's works, includ- during gallery hours: from 10 a.m. until 2
Return of soldier scarecrow
is sought by National Guard
Michigan National Guard officers con-
tinue to search for a soldier who went
AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) in
The soldier, not known for intelligence
or courage, was last seen tightly zip tied to
a post in Kellogg Park in downtown
Plymouth as part of the annual Halloween
scarecrow display. Dressed in an authen-
tic National Guard uniform and sporting
his bulletproof vest, the soldier went miss-
ing over a weekend, according to
Michigan Army National Guard recruiter
Sgt. Gabrielle Lynne, who led the design
and construction of the straw-filled cre-
Lynne said wearing the National
Guard uniform is a “big deal” and that she
was excited to bring her sons to downtown
Plymouth to see the quasi-soldier on dis-
play. She said she was sure the authentic This authentically uniformed Michigan
uniform and vest would draw a lot of National Guard scarecrow is still missing
attention from crowds, but she was very after being taken from the scarecrow dis-
disappointed that it had been taken. play in Kellogg Park.
Lynne wants the uniform returned,
with or without the scarecrow stuffing. National Guard often helps young people
She said if whoever took the creation overcome.
wants to wear a uniform, they should join “Young people deserve a second
the National Guard and get a uniform chance and one mistake doesn't make who
with their own name on it. you are as a person,” Lynne told local
She said this kind of behavior is exactly news outlets. “I really would love to talk to
the kind of conduct service with the that person. Really.”
Elder fraud prevention will
be Lunch and Learn topic
Preventing Elder Fraud will be the
topic of a Lunch and Learn discussion in
Canton Township.
The one-hour event will begin at 11:30
a.m. Dec. 14.
Organizers said statistics demonstrate
that an increasing number of individuals
are falling victim to scams. One factor is
the ability of scammers to be highly adapt-
able and who can mimic legitimate com-
munications from romantic partners, fam-
ily members, tech support staff and gov-
ernment employees. One group particu-
larly affected by this issue is the elderly.
Law enforcement officials said home-
owners with healthy financial savings,
good credit scores and a trusting nature
often prove to be attractive targets for
Presenters will include Pam Sargent, a Pam Sargent
fraud investigator with Community
Financial Credit Union and Kristen
LaForest, the community outreach and
engagement coordinator for Community
Financial Credit Union.
Elder fraud in on the rise and resulted
in more than a billion dollars in losses in
2021, statistics indicate. The Lunch and
Learn session will include a description of
the scams targeting older adults and what
to do when you or a loved one are a victim
of a fraud. Ways to prevent these scams
will also be discussed. The session will
take place at the Canton Administration
Building in the first floor board room at
1150 Canton Center Road. There is no cost
for the session but pre-registration at (734)
495-1200 is requested and organizers sug-
gest those attending bring a lunch or a
snack, . Kristen LaForest