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Planners reveal downtown design proposal
The concept plan for the Northville match up with the sidewalk to provide a
downtown pedestrian area received a pos- platform for outdoor dining structures.
itive response from audience members This also eliminates the need to remove
during a meeting Nov. 29 at city hall. curbs, representatives explained.
The plan presented by representatives The seating areas would be varied to
from Grissim, Metz and Andriese (GMA) encourage different uses and activities.
was welcomed as a positive step forward High-top tables and chairs would face the
in transforming the closed sections of promenade, a convenience for a “to-go”
Main and Center streets into a promenade meal, a drink, work on a laptop or watch
with interactive zones that would attract people. Larger outdoor couches and
people to shops, restaurants and new seat- chairs would invite groups to linger and
ing areas. share stories. Bistro-style tables and
The plan includes linear bands of activ- chairs could be moved to wherever they
ity. The center of the street at 24-feet wide are needed, according to the proposed
would be the promenade for pedestrians design.
to use, with plenty of room for strollers, Lighting plans include projecting light
walkers and wheelchairs. Sixteen feet patterns on the street (similar to holiday
within that 24-foot space can be used for light projections on a house), stringing
emergency access for police, fire and EMT lights from horizontal beams mounted on group yoga, or playing chess at a bistro Downtown District Authority Director
and would not have any tables, chairs, buildings, and spotlighting the historic table. Musicians and street performers Lori Ward said, “This next phase for
structures or displays. Within the prome- buildings with street-based lights that glow would have a zone for performances in downtown Northville is a unique opportu-
nade, there will be zones of 8-foot-wide upward. Another plan is to remove the addition to the stage at Town Square. Food nity to provide an experience and setting
sections for varied seating arrangements. traffic light at Main and Center and trucks would be part of the streetscape for that doesn't exist in our neighboring com-
Eight-foot wide sections from the mer- replace it with a stop sign, using the light special events. In the winter, there could munities. It will be an even better place to
chants' doors to the curb would provide pole for decorative lighting or hanging be an ice rink at Town Square. bring the kids, go out for a drink with
another walkway. Beyond that, varying banners for events and as an advertising Structures are proposed to have plexi- friends, or just hang out.
sections of 13 to 18 feet would be consid- venue for area businesses. The intersec- glass roofs so the building names can still “There's so much versality with the
ered merchant space, where restaurants tion may also have a curved portion of be viewed. They would be more uniform space. We aim to make it a destination, a
could set up outdoor dining, and retailers road - achieved through brickscape - to with removable side walls for cold weath- place where there's something happening
could display merchandise. Merchant indicate the main entrance. er and a distinctive, decorative siding every day of the week, every month of the
space would include the 8-foot-wide paral- The streets would be activated by both approximately 4 feet tall that screens year. Some of that will be programmed but
lel parking spaces. GMA proposed decking programmed activities and organic enter- chair legs from the street. Structures residents and visitors will find ways to
be placed over the parking spaces and tainment, such as playing corn hole, doing would be decorated for the seasons. make it their own 'go-to' place,” she added.