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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 8, 2022

                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND
                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND

        Trustee’s false statements prompt board criticism

           In what appears to be an ongo-  family are the victims. You wrote                                                       tage” the treasurer's office by the
        ing battle against misinformation,  these lies. Just lies,” Bowman                       ”                                 re-assignment of a clerk.
        members of the Sumpter         said.                                     We have a board member publishing                   Trustee Don LaPorte attempt-
        Township Board of Trustees       “Where did you get that infor-    incorrect information about the supervisor's case.      ed to calm the situation suggest-
        again corrected and disputed   mation. It's just garbage and I'm                                                           ing that the board meeting was
        information published by Trustee  tired of it.”                                This is unbelievable that a                 not the venue for the discussion
        Peggy Morgan in a local newspa-  Trustee Matt Oddy was also                 township official would do this.               which prompted Oddy to explain
        per.                           critical of Morgan's false claims                                                           that this was a matter of the
           Township Supervisor Tim     regarding Bowman and her asser-                                                             unethical conduct of a board
        Bowman noted that Morgan had   tion that the board was “sabotag-  are untrue,” Oddy said. “As a  board asking to whom she spoke  member and the place for the dis-
        claimed in a letter that an investi-  ing” the water department.   board member we are supposed  and pointedly asking her for the  cussion was at the board level.
        gation into a lewd and threaten-  “We have a board member     to conduct ourselves at a higher  source of the information she  “I think every board member
        ing phone call made to him by los-  publishing incorrect information  ethical level.”       published. He said the criminal  should be appalled at this con-
        ing candidate for treasurer    about the supervisor's case. This  Morgan refused to comment on  case against the former candidate  duct,” he said. “She can't and
        Sheena Barnes had been closed  is unbelievable that a township  the criticism when Oddy repeat-  was at the office of the prosecutor  won't defend her conduct and
        and no charges filed. Bowman   official would do this. This has to  edly demanded to know where  and was not closed.       apparently thinks it is a big joke.”
        was noticeably upset by the false  be dealt with,” he said. “Do you  she got the information.  Again, Morgan declined to   He added that Morgan's conduct
        claim that no charges were being  know the investigation is closed?  Public Safety Director/Police  comment.               was “victim bashing.”
        filed and Morgan's suggestion that  You lied. It is unethical and irre-  Chief Eric Luke also demanded  Oddy said Morgan's claims  “You're making a determina-
        he should be charged with filing a  sponsible for a board member to  an answer from Morgan as to the  were patently false as was her  tion of who's guilty,” he told
        false police report.           comment on an ongoing investiga-  source of the false claims she  charge that the members of the  Morgan, “Without including the
           “That is all lies. Me and my  tion and making statements that  made. He addressed her and the  board were attempting to “sabo-  truth.”

                                                                                     Special appreciation

                                                                                     Mayor William R. Wild is all smiles during the Employee Appreciation Day Luncheon
                                                                                     last week. The event was designed to thank each employee's commitment and dedica-
                                                                                     tion to Westland residents. Certificates were presented to every employee, and plaques
                                                                                     were given to more than 35 dedicated staff members who have served the community
                                                                                     for 20 years and more including Deputy Mayor Michael J. Reddy, above at right, and
                                                                                     Director of Community Media Craig Welkenbach, above, at left of Wild.

                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                               2022 DECEMBER BOARD OF REVIEW
         The Sumpter Township Board of Review will be conducting the 2022 December Board of Review and will convene in the
         Sumpter Township Hall at 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
         The regular Board of Review schedule is as follows:
                               Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm
         This is a correction Board of Review and will cover all clerical errors and mutual mistakes of fact during the meeting.
         All Board of Review meetings are open meetings in compliance with the "Open Meetings Act".
         If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Assessor's Office at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2236.
         Esther Hurst, CMC
         Township Clerk
         Publish: December 8, 2022                                     ST0130 - 120822  2.5 x 2.418

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                                  On Wednesday,     1GBDV13107D119123      impounded through the  On Friday, December,  in 48 hours of the sale.  Department within 48
                               December, 14th, 2022 at  2004 FORD          City of Dearborn Police  23rd, 2022 at 9: 00 am,                    hours of the sale.
                               11: 30 am, Great Lakes  1FTPX14524NB11535   Department. All paper-  Great Lakes Towing  2008 FORD
           PUBLIC AUCTION       Towing Impound and  2014 FORD             work must be picked up  Impound and Recovery  1ZVHT80N985191031   2003 SATURN
           MARTINS' TOWING     Recovery Division locat-  1FADP3J20EL263566   from the  City of    Division located at  2009 MERCURY         1G8AJ52F23Z121039
         17180 DIX TOLEDO RD    ed at 42350 Van Born  2011 FORD              Dearborn Police      42350 Van Born Rd,  4M2CU81G39KJ10449     The above vehicles are
            BROWNSTOWN,          Rd, Belleville, Mi,  2FMDK4KC5BBB12266    Department within 48  Belleville, Mi, County of  2012 FORD       impounded through the
               MI 48193         County of Wayne, will  The above vehicles are  hours of the sale.  Wayne, will conduct a  1ZVBP8EM1C5286797   City of Romulus Police
          DECEMBER 14, 2022   conduct a public auction  impounded through the                      public auction of   The above vehicles are  Department. All paper-
              10:00 AM           of Impounded and   City of Livonia Police  2016 FORD               Impounded and     impounded through the  work must be picked up
        2010 DODGE              Abandoned vehicles.  Department. All paper-  3FA6P0HD9GR223800   Abandoned vehicles.  City of Westland Police  from the  City of
        3D4PG5FVXAT257460      The following vehicles  work must be picked up  2007 FORD         The following vehicles  Department. All paper-  Romulus Police
        2017 CHEVROLET         will be offered for sale  from the  City of Livonia  1FAHP34N97W356756   will be offered for sale  work must be picked up  Department within 48
        2GNALCEK7H6266097       to the highest bidder.  Police Department within  The above vehicles are  to the highest bidder.  from the  City of  hours of the sale.
        1998 CHEVROLET                              48 hours of the sale.   impounded through the  2001 FORD             Westland Police
        1GCEC19R6WE110674     2009 JEEP                                     Plymouth Township   1FAFP56S81G219833
        2013 CHEVROLET        1J8GR48K09C504067     2005 FORD              Police Department. All  The above vehicles are
        1G11D5RR1DF109893     2011 WABASH           1FAFP24195G157373       paperwork must be   impounded through the
        2007 HONDA            1JJV532D2BL376698      The above vehicles are  picked up from the   City of Wayne Police
        2HJYK16597H524349      The above vehicles are  impounded through the  Plymouth Township  Department. All paper-
        2004 HONDA             impounded through the  Dearborn Heights Police  Police Department with-  work must be picked up
        1HGCM56384A067673      Canton Township Police  Department. All paper-  in 48 hours of the sale.  from the  City of Wayne
        2006 FORD              Department. All paper-  work must be picked up                   Police Department with-
        1FAHP34N66W214475      work must be picked up  from the  Dearborn  All Vehicles are sold in  in 48 hours of the sale.
        2000 JEEP                from the  Canton       Heights Police       "as is condition".
        1J4FF48S9YL235281         Township Police     Department within 48  Bidding on all vehicles  2014 CHRYSLER
        2000 TOYOTA             Department within 48   hours of the sale.   will start at the amount  1C3CCBAB9EN125058
        JT2BG22K6Y0399662      hours of the sale. There                   due for towing and stor-  2019 RAM
        2009 FORD               is a $100 buyers fee  2005 HONDA            age. Vehicles may be  1C6SRFRT9KN621054
        1FAHP35N39W199498       paid additionally per  1HGCM567X5A191013   deleted from this list at  The above vehicles are
        2000 TRAILER          vehicle made payable to  2020 HYUNDAI         any time prior to the  impounded through the
        B994017                 the Canton Township  5NMS5CAD6LH178190    start of the auction. This  Redford Township
        1998 DODGE               Police Department.  2010 VOLKSWAGEN       is a cash only sale and  Police Department. All
        3B7KF26Z6WM274690                           3VWRX7AJ6AM059763       all vehicles must be  paperwork must be
                              2005 CHRYSLER         2010 VOLKSWAGEN        paid in full at the con-  picked up from the
                              2C4GP54L15R349516     WVWML7AN2AE505036      clusion of the auction.  Redford Township
                              2007 CHEVROLET         The above vehicles are                     Police Department with-
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