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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 2, 2023


        Township Leisure Services Department honored

           Canton Leisure Services has  from the township. Accreditation
        again recognized for excellence in  focuses on achieving 154 stan-
        the field of parks and recreation  dards across 10 core areas of
        management. The department     focus. The process for accredita-
        received re-accreditation Oct. 11  tion involves a formal application,
        and remains one of only 206 agen-  self-assessments, and a site visit by
        cies in the country currently hold-  a team of trained volunteers that
        ing national accreditation from  results in a written report and a
        the Commission for Accreditation  hearing with the commission to
        of Park and Recreation Agencies  grant accreditation.
        (CAPRA).  In addition, Laura     As the 2023 recipient of the
        Mortier, Canton Leisure Services  Robert W. Crawford Young
        recreation supervisor, CPRP, was  Professional Award, Mortier has
        presented with the 2023 Robert W.  now joined the distinguished
        Crawford Young Professional    ranks of just over a dozen other
        Award from the National        parks and recreation profession-
        Recreation and Park Association  als in the United States, who have
        (NRPA).                        also received the notable national
           The distinguished accomplish-  award.
        ments were recognized in Dallas,  This highly acclaimed award
        Texas during the National      recognizes the vision and dedica-
        Recreation and Park Association  tion of individuals who have tire-
        (NRPA) 2023 national conference.  lessly worked to improve the qual-
           “CAPRA accreditation is the  ity of life in America through
        only national accreditation for  parks and recreation and who will  Canton Township Leisure Services staff members accept the CAPRA Re-Accreditation Award at the
                                                                      NRPA national conference in Dallas, TX.  Accepting the honor is, from left, Jon LaFever, Community
        park and recreation agencies and  serve as examples for future lead-  Development Director; Jeanette Aiello, Project & Operations Supervisor; Greg Hohenberger, Canton
        is a measure of an agency's overall  ers in continuing the recreation  Leisure Services Director; Laura Mortier, Recreation Supervisor and the recipient of the 2023 Robert W.
        quality of operation, management,  and park movement into the 21st  Crawford Young Professional Award from the National Recreation and Park Association.  Photo courtesy of
        and service to the community.  century,  according    to  a   Caught in the Moment and the National Recreation and Park Association.
        This mark of distinction indicates  spokesman.
        that Canton Leisure Services has  “Attaining national department  quality facilities, programs, activi-  Leisure Services' unwavering  rently one of only three CAPRA-
        met rigorous standards related to  and illustrious individual staff  ties, and special events through-  dedication to creating memorable  accredited agencies in the state of
        the management and administra-  recognition that Laura Mortier so  out the Canton community,” said  experiences and to providing out-  Michigan and was also previously
        tion of lands, facilities, resources,  strongly deserves on this level is  Canton Leisure Services Director  standing services.”  re-accredited in 2008, 2013, and
        programs safety, and services,”  confirmation of our staff'’s incredi-  Greg Hohenberger, CPRP.  “Re-  Canton Leisure Services, origi-  2018.  Accreditation is valid for a
        according to a prepared statement  bly successful efforts to provide  accreditation continues to show  nally accredited in 2004, is cur-  period of five years.
        Annual Salute to Services recognition set for Nov. 10

           The annual special celebra-  Canton.                       coats (all sizes); winter gloves,
        tion honoring all veterans, living  Representatives of the    hats, and scarves; combs (4-inch                          ”
        and deceased, and especially   Veterans Administration Ann    size needed for inpatient use);             Representatives of the Veterans
        those active-duty military men  Arbor Health System will also be  deodorant, disposable razors;       Administration Ann Arbor Health System
        and women who are currently    onsite accepting donations     lotion; lip balm (Chapstick); and
        serving in faraway places will  throughout the event. Suggested  lap quilts (4-foot by 4-foot mini-   will also be onsite accepting donations.
        take place just prior to Veterans  items for donation include, but  mum size).  Additional items that
        Day in Canton Township.        are not limited to new items in  are needed include cases of  this general admission event and  Hill Road in Canton.  For more
           Canton Club 55+ members     their original packaging: T-Shirts  water, toilet paper, and cans of  all ages are welcome to attend.   information visit www.cantonvil-
        and The Village Theater at     (sizes S-5XL); sweatshirts in all  ground coffee.               The Village Theater at Cherry or call (734) 394-
        Cherry Hill officials are partner-  sizes (no hoodies, please); winter  No tickets are required for  Hill is located at 50400 Cherry  5300.
        ing to honor area service men
        and women who have served or
        who are currently serving in the
        armed forces. The Nov. 10 free
        event will feature a special pro-
        gram that will take place on the
        main stage of the theater.
        Featured presenters include
        Canton Township Supervisor
        Anne Marie Graham-Hudak and
        informational veterans' speak-
        ers, as well as a special perform-
        ance by the 338th Army Band.
           "Canton is proud to present
        this special event, which is
        designed to thank, as well as sup-
        port, our area's service men and
        women and their families," said
        Jennifer Galazka, Canton Club
        55+ recreation specialist. "This
        special tribute will bring togeth-
        er the community for an after-
        noon of celebration and appreci-
        ation of those who have put
        themselves in harm's way to pro-
        tect our country."
           The annual Salute to Service
        event is set for noon until 3 p.m.
        on Friday, Nov. 10. The program
        will take place at The Village
        Theater at Cherry Hill, located
        at 50400 Cherry Hill Road,

        FROM PAGE 1
        for a largely passive and natural
        park area, officials said.
           Featured Pokagon Band cul-
        tural presentations included an
        invocation and prayer led by
        Elder Misho Donald Sumners, as
        well as performances by singer
        and drummer Brian Moore.
        Additional Pokagon Band mem-
        bers were also in attendance,
        including Amy Jo Morseau, cul-
        tural activities coordinator for
        the Pokagon Center of History &
        Culture; Julie Dye, chair of the
        Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
        Representations Outreach Board
        as well as Rhonda Keene, a tribal
        council member.  In addition,
        several Indigenous American
        dancers from across the state
        performed to a rhythm drum
        during the event.
           Visitors to the rustic park can
        take advantage of a half-mile
        crushed gravel trail, from dawn
        until dusk.
           For more information about
        the Zibiwés Nature Area, visit or call (734)
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